
Where I'm from in the UK, some people have a super strong Yorkshire accent. I saw this in a restaurant last night - believe it or not, it IS English.
10 points if you can understand it πŸ˜‚

@bethany Hummmmm.....Now, Then, How are you? Good to see you.

@bethany 🀣🀣Yay!!
Too funny! That's a thick accent!!

@MaryMamuzich could be, or usually "s'good" would be "it's good". But I am so impressed you got it. You'd fit right in here πŸ˜‚

@bethany hahaha! I don't think they could handle me...I'm kinda a goofball!

@bethany I’ll take a stab ... No then, are you all right? Or maybe, Nothing, are you all right? It’s good to see you! Or maybe Sounds good to see you!
My best guess πŸ˜‚

@Sonshine yes!
"Now then, are you alright? It's good to see you." You got it 😁

@bethany I’m a transplant to the Bible Belt, so I’ve been honing my skills. πŸ˜†

@bethany makes perfect sense to me

You should try broad black country πŸ˜‚

"Now then, you alright? So good to see you!"
Is my translation correct? πŸ˜…

@TakeN Almost! Usually "s'good" would be "it's good", but you got the rest. Congrats 😁

@bethany. Hi are you alright it' is so good to see you. Thank you for the points si thi later our kid x

@andyharris of COURSE you got it. Full points. You pretty much invented the Yorkshire language πŸ˜‚

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