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Bethany boosted

"Living Water" - Brother Yun

I believe the Western church is generally in the same condition as Martha. You know the truths about God's Word in your head, but you still like to run your own lives.

Like Martha, many Christians cry out, “Lord, if you had just done things according to our plans, we would never have ended up in such a mess.”

Friend, you need to realize that God is not at all interested in your plans. He is only interested in His plans!

So many churches and individual believers think they should make their own plans and strategies, then ask (or in some cases, command) God to bless them.

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Tonight as Saigon is replayed in Kabul, I pray for all the brave believers that we are working with in Afghanistan.
I will be doing a podcast tomorrow to share the real reason why Kabul fell tonight.
The real reason is not being covered in the news.

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You ever find those books that you can't put down until you finish it? This was one of those for me - an incredible story of a woman who risked everything to follow Christ.

Bilquis Sheikh, living in Pakistan, spent most of her life searching in vain for Truth in the Quran. One day, out of curiosity, she turned to the pages of the Christian Bible.
Her life was turned upside down as a series of strange dreams sent her on a journey that would consume her heart, mind, and soul.

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One woman stood up to Sharia Law, refused to back down, and won. I spent all last week with this amazing soldier of Christ and it was an amazing time reviewing her testimony.
The only thing I can say is, "GOD IS GOOD!"

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Bethany boosted

You will ONLY see this information on DingDash.
I am now writing the life stories of both of these women.
Their heroic stories will change your idea of sacrifice FOREVER

Please join us in praying for Ethiopia. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front have recently taken the ancient city of Lalibela.

The churches of Lalibela date back to the 12th century and are carved out in the mountains. The rock churches are a monument to the strength and endurance of the faith. Now, this ancient city and the nation of Ethiopia needs our prayers.

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Here is a beautiful classic. This old hymn written by Fanny Crosby has been soothing me often these last couple of years.

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O Father, I pray that my faith will be authentic when my time of trial comes.
Thank you for the heroes of faith who kept doing what the Spirit led them to do, regardless of opposition.
Give our present-day missionaries the wisdom to know when to move to a new place and when to settle in and endure opposition.
Most of all, Lord Jesus, pour out your Spirit with power so that all of us will share the message of Jesus with wisdom, courage, and passion. In your name, O Lord, I pray. Amen.

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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

We want to thank everyone for the donations that came in online for the flood victims in Henan Province.

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Psa 5:11 KJV But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

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China's hosts Taliban leaders in ancient city of Tianjin.
Why does it matter?

Wanted to shout out a recent podcast episode from @Cmarquis and Nathan. They highlighted some pretty major statistics:

61% of Christians have never shared their faith

42% of the world still live in unreached people groups

There are 900 churches and 78,000 evangelical Christians for every one unreached people group

51% of church attendees in the US were unfamiliar with the term 'Great Commission'

Here's the podcast if you want to give it a listen:

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Bethany boosted

The flooding in China is crazy!
It is going to impact China in many ways! Many people are missing! Many people have drowned, as most Chinese do not know how to swim. There are people crying out for help to find their loved ones! Entire Farms have been washed away! Apparently millions of livestock have drowned or been basically standing in flood waters unable to eat for days! This will once again create a lack of food! Entire crops gone! Entire livelihoods washed away! We will be looking at price increases for food here once again! At the beginning to Covid they went high but have been slowly coming back down......but this will once again change things!

Chinese Christians are banding together and helping in the most beautiful sacrificial ways! It brings me to tears as I hear reports of brothers and sisters racing to the flood frontlines to help!

this small video is nearby where we live and it is nothing compared to Henan flooding! Our friend sent it....

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