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Bethany boosted

There are so many things I can do in my life that are pleasing to my soul. But when I please the Lord it is my spirit that is satisfied.

Bethany boosted

Has the Taliban mistakenly opened a back door for underground house church missionaries into Afghanistan? Perhaps so and this is how...

Bethany boosted

We have had a crazy couple of weeks here!

We were able to spend some time with a young person and give them a Bible. So exciting!

However here in China, it’s getting harder and harder all the time for us and our Chinese brothers and sisters.

One thing that has really irked me lately is how many Americans and Canadians are crying out “ our country is communist now”

And here were are in China shaking our heads saying “ ummm nope! Your nothing like here!”

Maybe things could head that way but for now it’s nothing like living in a country with millions of cameras tracking every move, guards everywhere, police everywhere, and a gov always watching, citizen credit scores, etc., social pressure that is absolutely intense, 99% conviction rate, and you can get life in prison for stealing a bike if they feel like it.

Just a few thoughts.
China is filled with beautiful people. Precious souls. They suffer here more than you know.


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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

THIS YEAR - The BTJ vision is 100 years old and the Communist Party is 100 years old.
Which one has been been a blessing to the nation of China?

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Bethany boosted

How can the life of one little girl touch so many people around the world?
Live interview with Ava Bright Lee's mother. An incredible story of hope, loss, pain, faith, but most of all - love.

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Every Chinese student learns stories from the Bible and they do NOT even know it!

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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

From our "on the ground" partner in Laos. Since January until now. Ready for this??
1. 24,361 have heard the gospel
2. 4,671 have been saved. (1 in 5 who heard)
3. 1,792 Baptized (2 in 5 saved get baptized)
4. 134 new discovery discipleship groups
5. 57 new house churches planted
6. 1689 leaders trained.
7. Jesus glorified.

Amen???!!!!!! Pray for Laos. Pray for AIM1040.COM AS we continue to focus on those who have never heard. Love you all.

Bethany boosted

This Sunday we want to thank God for preparations that He has made in Afghanistan.
Last year our Afghan partners told us that their electronic devices were being checked for Bible apps. BTJ hackers began working together on a solution for them and we were able to launch Operation Black Trumpet in Afghanistan.
Today the Taliban, in an event that few saw coming, is said to be going door-to-door looking at people's phones searching for Bible apps. If they have launched Operation Black Trumpet on their device, the Taliban would not be able to find the Bible on their phone. Not many Afghan Christians know about it, but it is spreading through the underground church.
Please keep them in your prayers.

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Bethany boosted

Just arrived in Pakistan, willing to share God's love and wisdom, praying to hear from Him with regard to our next steps that He wants us to make to impact this nation and train church to reach the unreached and unengaged here. ❤️ 🙏

Bethany boosted

Derek Prince - "By Grace Alone"

Let me present this thought to you: “The will of God will never place you where the grace of God cannot keep you.” If you are in the will of God, no matter how strange, unfamiliar or difficult the situation may be, if you come to the end of all your own strength and resources, bear this in mind: “The will of God will never place you where the grace of God cannot keep you.”

Bethany boosted

We got word an hour ago of one of our pastors in Afghanistan, Pastor Siddique, was notified that his house now belongs to the Taliban and 'they know what he is doing.' His family has fled to the country side and others are also being threatened. We ask you to pray. CMM has already received some funds to send to them and other friends' groups working in Afghanistan like FAI and others. These are front line warriors risking their lives to share Jesus' love. As the Lord leads give at for rapid response fund or covert.

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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Until we are ready to have an honest conversation about the rule of Islam and Persecution of Christians, we will NEVER understand what went wrong with Afghanistan.

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