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Just had this photo from one of our UK partners. LOVE that BTJ is part of people's Christmas trees all around the world this year ❤️🎄

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our new Children's book sample for the BTJ series has now arrived! PTL!
Available next year ONLY through BTJ

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Huge breakthrough in Iran today! Praise the LORD!

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Please consider praying with me about the Bible’s rewritten by anti-Christ governments in Iran & now also China! Pray no one is deceived by these false Bibles or their message with lies! I PRAY THE TRUE HOLY BIBLE COVER IRAN AND CHINA AS THE SNOW COVERS THE HIGH MOUNTAINS. I PRAY THOSE RESPONSIBLE WILL BE PUNISHED BY GOD AS STATED IN THE BIBLE, IF THEY DO NOT REPENT!!

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1Jn 5:4-5 ISV 4 because everyone who is born from God has overcome the world. Our faith is the victory that overcomes the world. 5 Who overcomes the world? Is it not the person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

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Here are some of the stuff I saw that they have today! And guess what. They are on saleeee! Go check it out! 😝

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Book sales were INCREDIBLE over the weekend. so many people wanted to know more.

Such a great meeting at Hope Church yesterday morning ❤️

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Love this quote from Brother Yun yesterday…
‘We cannot apply the American model, the European model or the Chinese model of the church, we need to apply the heavenly model of the church’ 🙌

After more than two years unable to be in the UK because of Covid, we are having such an amazing time at our UK meetings!

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Such a powerful time in Wolverhampton at All Nations Church today!

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A young man contemplating accepting Islam joins our podcast. During the podcast, I directly challenge the lies of Islam and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Listen how this young man reconsiders.
He later wrote to me, saying that he can NOT accept Islam based on this podcast

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According to Joshua Project, there are about 7,402 unreached people groups in the world who haven't heard the gospel, representing about 3,278,434,000 people. Let's spread out and look beyond the four walls of our local churches.

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Such an amazing time today sharing at Hope Church Rotherham. I love this church sooo much and will dearly miss our sweet sister Val.

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