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danyrebebe boosted

Prayers welcome. My family and I are not feeling well. We've been hit by another round of Covid. Our first time was in November, 2020. This one is different, but also miserable.

danyrebebe boosted

A great life story of a 42 year old Thai man who grew up as a Buddhist in the USA, but found freedom and peace through Christ.

danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted

Please pray for the setting up of a training facility. Plans, strategies, personnel, funds, execution, protection.

It may result in Kingdom expansion, signs and wonders, daily baptisms.

danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted

Mrs.Kunnia lost her hearing partially. Please pray for her healing.
Wife of a senior partner, mother of 2 active teenagers.

danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted

...public that is unless the church is forced underground...

danyrebebe boosted

Brother Yun starts his tour in Sweden tonight preaching in Södertälje!

@sinbach yes the resurrection changed every thing, we are in a new covenent and a new law(the Jesus law). The no resistence is part of the new law it is not about logical it is about obedience. Love your enemies .(Mathew 5:38-48)

danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted

Miracles are welcome! Ministry that hosted
team is enjoying continuous power supply.
Another batch of eggs are loaded to the incubator.
@MaryMamuzich @Olamide @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @zephan @sinbach
Isn't it amazing that all over the island there is power cut and our friend got 24 x 7 power supply?
Please continue to pray for

danyrebebe boosted

This is very personal...our daughter in law is in the hospital right now in labor. My husband..Opa is at this event..he sent me these clips he took.

danyrebebe boosted
danyrebebe boosted

If we really wanted to “save” America, the number 1 issue is sex outside of marriage. Sex outside marriage is the root of most of our social issues: abortion, single motherhood, poverty, lost opportunity, lower intelligence, apathy, short term thinking, etc. If we don’t start there, the culture can not and perhaps should not be saved. Full stop.

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