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davereimer boosted

Covid prayer update: Nathan definiy ill now - he can't get warm, and had a really rough sleep

Jo had a cough slowly developing and is really rough

I was up at 0530 for food and painkillers because the headache I had stopped me sleeping. And I can't keep a stable temperature - it's all over the place

davereimer boosted

Yes, it's true. Facebook Fact-Checkers are financed in part by China. We reveal the information that you need to know in our latest podcast.
This post might be blocked on Facebook, so I am posting it here.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Grateful for the prayers. Steven a little ill, Nathan ok, Peter is cold and has a mild headache.

Jo and I barely able to leave the bed (I really don't like hanging around in a bed!). Pain killers finally reducing my headache. We're exhausted, and we can't think straight.

On the plus side I woke up today without the odd sensation in my lungs that I've had for the past few days....can't describe ii verh well...perhaps like a cold pain? That's now gone, thankfully!

25th wedding anniversary plans now killed off, which is the least of our issues.

Andy B

davereimer boosted

I can't buy my beloved freshly made Skagenröra in Northern Sweden, so I made my own today for the very first time...and have to turned out AMAYYYZING!

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Please watch this video to understand what the Lord has called us to do in the Great Commission.

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davereimer boosted

@KarlGessler thanks Karl

Mostly, today, I've been becoming, slowly, progressively worse...and feeling sorry for myself

Jo is, I guess, a day ahead of me.

Our 3 boys seem ok so far, which is good....I had to take paracetamol earlier...I'm very reluctant to take meds like in to taking some, means I have to admit I'm really not very well - couldn't ignore that headache any longer

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davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

My friend, Mark, is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse. His story needs to be heard. We must learn to confront this darkness and heal the broken-hearted in Jesus' name.

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davereimer boosted

My baby sister doing her thing! Preparing for deer season with her pink bow.

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These are pictures we took at an orphanage we visit to help. Our hearts break as we wipe dirt or dry vomit off their little bodies. Or unleash them from a chain holding them to the wall so they can’t move more than a foot away. Or tend their oozing infections in their mouths, feet or wherever. When I have one of these little ones near me all I feel is love and compassion. To tend them with the most Jesus love possible. We can’t go see them right now because of covid. I hate covid. But when I PRAY, I ASK GOD TO SHEILD THEIR MINDS AND HEARTS and to help them feel HIS LOVE regardless of what humans are doing. And I BELIEVE with ALL MY HEART that God answers and honors these prayers. For HIS heart breaks even more than mine.

So Christians please care! As a church we CAN make a difference. We can adopt. We can support financially. We can help physically. We can pray. We can advocate.

Or We can forget and look away.

My thoughts from China tonight.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Hey yall! Let me know how I can be praying for you. Grace and peace to you all.

davereimer boosted

Joined an underground meeting of about 25 people today. The Holy Spirit came down during 10 hours of crazy fellowship.
I didn't want it to stop!

davereimer boosted

[1 Corinthians 1:3-4]

We are comforted because we are heartbroken.
We are comforted because we need a blessing.
We are comforted because God loves us.
We are comforted to comfort others.

While each of the above statements is true, the last is the most crucial one. There is something about comfort that cannot be fully realized until it is shared with someone else.
It is that final step in the healing process of grief, disappointment, hurt, and loss.
Until we share the comfort we have received, until we pass it on to another, our comfort is weak and shallow and limited. Comfort — pass it on!

Phil Ware

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