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davereimer boosted

This Back to Jerusalem podcast episode is absolute worth listening to! In addition to the interesting life story of a Polish man, it's really interesting to hear them unpack the gospel, grace and the practical consequences of the reality of the indwelling Christ. If you think this conversation is about bashing Catholics, you have come to the wrong podcast. In every Christian belief system there are Christians who wholeheartedly want to serve the Lord, who are humble and with a servants heart, BUT they live under the slavery of religious systems. They talk about how protestants might be living even more under legalism and heavy burdens than Catholics.

"In this podcast, Fabian, a former witch, turned Jesuit Priest, turned follower of Jesus, shares his dynamic testimony of how his journey in life has taken him from practicing magic to being born again.
Fabian tells how The Heavenly Man, the biography of Brother Yun, impacted his life dramatically."

davereimer boosted

@tanjaostman he is doing much better today. he had to go into surgery. it was pretty bad.
He just had his booster last month and was hospitalized.
My mother, on the other hand, is 5 years older, hasn't been vaccinated, and ALSO had covid. She got the sniffles for a day.

davereimer boosted

Went to see my step-dad on the covid floor at the hospital today.
I felt pretty official.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

[Psalms 68:17, NLT] Surrounded by unnumbered thousands of chariots, the Lord came from Mount Sinai into his sanctuary.

[시68:17] 하나님의 병거는 천천이요 만만이라 주께서 그 중에 계심이 시내 산 성소에 계심 같도다

davereimer boosted

In the New Covenant Jesus has purchased, we are introduced to the true reality of all things.

Through the Spirit of Christ we can draw from this reality so that we may know, in all of the areas that touch our lives—

in our work, ministry, family, society, culture, government, institutions, art, play, research, religion—

the goodness and provision of an all-sufficing, want-erasing, fear-eradicating, peace-loving Shepherd.

Such a precious gift is not for sale, nor is it a chip with which to bargain in our society.

-Dallas Willard

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Just an observation understanding that causation and correlation are not the same.
I spent xmas in a cabin with my parents and siblings.
Everyone got the rhona....well almost everyone.
I got it. two boys and wife got it (confirmed with test). My step-dad got it.
We are all v@xed. My shots were in October and my stepdad just had the booster last month and he was so bad that he was taken into surgery and is currently in the urgent care wing of the Ball Memorial Hospital.
My unv@xed mother is five years older than my step-dad and only had the sniffles. She was over it in a day. My unv@xed sister - yep, she did NOT get it at all.
So....on a personal level....the record in our family for those with the jab is less than underwhelming.

davereimer boosted

We have been shoveling snow for around 7 weeks already, and it's only the beginning of the winter. Sometimes we get the first snow that stays on the ground around Christmas or New Year. 2-3 months still to go with snow. Now it's at least half a meter.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

We have just played Ticket to ride! It's a fun board game. There are a lot of games with the same name but different maps (the same rules). We chose to buy a game with the USA map. Nowadays children play so much on their phones and computers, that they need to learn real board games! Do you have any favorite board game? 🤔

davereimer boosted

Please tell me when to stop sharing winter pictures! This winter started early and is going to be long... We don't travel far or participate in much, due to covid. I am a lot outdoors enjoying nature instead.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

24 Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless with great joy, 25 to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time and now and [a]forever. Amen.
JUDE 24-25

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