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davereimer boosted

@KarlGessler yep. Crazy times. Peter got his name, 'cos he's so hard! Certainly announced his presence like a volcanic eruption!

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Jesus called the twelve, and began to send them out in pairs, giving them authority over unclean spirits. Mark 6:7

How do you imagine this exchange took place?
How did the disciples “receive”
Did Jesus hand them a badge or give then papers with proof authorization?
How did authority come to rest on the disciples?

I think that the only logical answer is that it came through the mere words of Jesus. The statement “I grant you authority” from someone who possess authority must be enough.

The Gospels state that Jesus granted His disciples authority for healing sickness and casting our demons several times. Why? Because disciples for generations to come would need to know that they are granted authority for doing the works of Jesus.

I am a disciple.
I have authority.
Jesus said so.
It’s that simple.

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 "Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God." (Mat. 22:29).

Here Jesus was correcting the sadukees who didn't believe in resurrection from the death.

I'm thinking, how much have we as church gone wrong in a similar way today? Do we have faith in the real Jesus (who is Son of God, yet a man) and who is powerful in everything concerning our lives? Do we understand (and truly believe/act on it!) that the same power that raised up Jesus from the grave, now dwells in us? Are these signs following us (Mark.16:17-18)?

Do we know what the Bible says and read it by ourselves? Or do we trust that our pastor knows the best so that we don't need to read or understand it ourselves? Do we lean on tradition more than on God's word?

We need them both: the Power (Gods Holy Spirit) and the scripture (the Bible), so that we won't go astray.

God help us! 🙏

davereimer boosted

@KarlGessler "A Jesus of theory or story hour is a sentimental comfort. The real Jesus commands the wind and seas and is a force to be reckoned with." Amen!!

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@erdenpilger @faith20 That's the same desire the disciples had - they asked Jesus to increase their faith. (Luk. 17:5-10) Jesus answered by telling them about servants and their Master. The servants' task is to obey and serve the Master, do what he is supposed to do. Obeying Jesus is to have faith in him. Jesus also says that if we are being faithful in the small things he will give us much. So, let's obey him in the littlest things in our lives, and if he can trust us in that, then he will give us more, which means, our faith will grow stronger. 🙌
Let's seek God, read and obey his words and ask God, where does he want me to be faithful today? Is there sin in my life that I need to repent from?
Let's put God first in our lives, in everything we are and do! 💖
Blessings to you! 🙏 From Sari in Finland

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It’s strange to say this about a place I have never even been but Iran holds a special place in my heart and hours of my prayer time.Praise God more and more are turning to Jesus but they need bread - the Word! if you can, please support via the link below and help get Bibles into the hands of these precious people! 🙏🏻 📖

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Quote from the book "The Heavenly Man"

Brother Yun reported what Brother Xu told him and I share it with you.

"We have to learn whatever the Lord wants to teach us from his Word, from life, from our experiences, and from our sufferings. Therefore we should initiate a prayer effort and look to God’s mercy and revelation".

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"Of all the things that taste like chicken...
it is weird that eggs are not one of them."

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With our Ambassador's meeting coming up soon with partners flying in to meet from around the world, we decided post this great interview about the BTJ vision.

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Elon was our the first BTJ chairman of the board. Since I first met him almost 23 years ago, he was a mentor and friend traveling with me to the most remote areas of the world.
Welcome home Elon. Welcome home.

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