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davereimer boosted

Great take on globalism and how to pray for Kingdom culture not just western culture and deceptions of anti-christ spirit.

davereimer boosted

""One obvious solution would be for [Putin] to give up, but when a dictator loses face and gives up, he is in a weak position. Another alternative is for him to expand the war, making it a bigger conflict," explained Toveri, a former intelligence chief at Finland's Defence Command."

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

With more than 70 percent of its surface covered by forests, Finland is – by far – the most densely forested country in Europe.

My friend said the other day: "Why would Putin want Finland, there is nothing here other than forest. We don't have the same natural riches, as Ukraine". It was comforting. The only reason he would want Finland back, is if he is a megalomaniac and wants back the old, great Russian/Soviet empire. We don't know what's going on in his head - there are so many speculations. So far Finnish leaders have managed to please the Russian Bear after our independence, but now we have trampled on its paws by sending weapons to Ukraine, and by our presidential visit to the White House. But all of West is backing up Ukraine, so we are not unique in that sense. (Picture from FB: "FInland in my heart")

davereimer boosted

Watch this video of a captured Russian soldier in Ukraine and how thet were brainwashed. Very touching to hear him now. Https://

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davereimer boosted

Thomas Gür on FB: "What Russians are googling: "A survey conducted between February 17th and 21st—that is, in the week before Mr Putin’s invasion—by the Levada Centre, an independent Russian pollster, found that 43% of Russians between the ages of 18 and 24 wanted to leave the country for good. And 44% of those who hoped to emigrate cited the “economic situation” as their motivation.

That situation is likely to get a lot worse. Western sanctions have created an economic storm: rising inflation, a crashing currency, and imports that are expected to dwindle. Many Russians will soon struggle to afford what they need to survive.

Eagerness to leave seems to be mounting. Data from Google Trends, which tracks how often particular words are entered into its search engine, show that Russian-language searches for “political asylum”, “emigration”, “flights” and “visa” all leapt in Russia in the days leading up to the invasion on February 24th..."

davereimer boosted

Part 2 Thomas Gür on FB (about what Russians google): "Queries for “flights” increased nine-fold from the week ending February 20th to the week ending February 27th. More Russians are asking Google “how to leave Russia” than have done so in 18 years since such data became public. Searches in the final two weeks of February were 16 times higher than the average weekly search volume from the past five years. Finnish trains from St Petersburg to Helsinki—which typically accommodate far fewer passengers than they have capacity for—have been packed with Russian travellers since February 27th. VR Group, a Finnish train company, told The Economist they plan to double the number of daily trains in order to address the growing demand from Russian passengers."

davereimer boosted

@Pablito we could play this game all day long talking about the failure of leadership, but let's not piss around the bush here - PUTIN has been shutting down churches, persecuting believers, attacking Christians, and hunting evangelists. Human trafficking? Russia is a top TIER 3 nation for human trafficking - the top rating that you can get - according to a study conducted by Ivanka Trump. We just brought a team of Russian believers together last month to find ways around the Russian government persecution because it has gotten so bad under Putin. What Russia is doing in the Ukraine is supported by China, North Korea, and Iran - that should give you all the information you need to know - right there. Russia is supporting operations in Syria to attack Israel - yes the land of Magog is attacking Israel, but no please, tell me more about how the Prez of the Ukraine, a Jew coming from a family that died in the Holocaust and is now fighting for his nation is just as bad as Putin.

davereimer boosted

Produced by Voice of the Martyrs, this movie is about Sabina Wurmbrand, co-founder of Voice of the Martrys. It is a MUST WATCH! You can register for free to view it online Mar. 4-6. If you're outside of the US, I think you need to figure out what days that would be for you.

davereimer boosted

Not everyone will understand why I believe that this is the ONLY man who can stop Russia, but IF YOU DO UNDERSTAND - then we can be friends.

davereimer boosted

At the cross, Jesus wore our filthy rags of sin so that we could be dressed in His spotless robes of righteousness.
Steven Lawson

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

I am seeing a small number of Christians starting to adopt the idea that Putin is the good guy and supporting his invasion of Ukraine. I am seeing an increase of believers saying that Putin is destroying the One World Government, destroying the Deep State, and ending child trafficking.
Personally, from the evidence that I have seen - this is a lie.
Anyone that believes otherwise, I invite you to convince me otherwise.

davereimer boosted

On Friday our president Sauli Niinistö will go to the USA to meet with the president of the United States, and discuss Ukraine and Finland.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Truth from an honest American general and lies from fox “journalists”!

davereimer boosted

The bravery of the Ukraine leaders and their citizens is inspiring, as opposed to the world leaders cowardice which is shameful!!! America’s leaders, previously look to for leadership are only interested in being elected, not leading! Surely God will greatly punish us for this on top of defying his laws on sodomy( homosexual lesbian transgender ) and killing the unborn even up to birth! We have gutted the Constitution to allow baby murder and Sodomy and trashed the cherished freedom of speech. Quote ..FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS HAVING THE RIGHT TO OFFEND!

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
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