@rosemaxx7@freeatlantis.com I guess he doesn't like nature. Then again, he didn't build the sky. The Lord did.

@paga4 I heard that last night at a presentation by Dr. Richard Fleming on the creation of covid and other bioweapons.

The origin of the corona virus is linked to the insertion of an amino acid cleaving enzyme that binds to a spike protein on a cell.

In the late hours of January 31, 2020, virologist Kristian Andersen emailed Anthony Fauci and told him it was highly unlikely that the genetic sequence responsible for the enzyme bonding to the spike protein was the product of natural selection. In other words, it was manipulated. Fauci emailed bioweapons expert Robert Kadlec four hours later indicating intense worry that the Wuhan lab may have created this cleavage and that he would be implicated. At that time, Kadlec had been serving as Assistant Secretary of HHS for Preparedness and Response in the Trump Administration for two and a half years.

Source: The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr. p. 380.

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@rosemaxx7@freeatlantis.com I guess I don't know what it is

@sinbach Please show this photo to Miriam. It's a page from my prayer list that I've been keeping for years. Both Miriam and Saeed Abedini are on the same page

@JesseStone it would be better to go through their shenanigans and let the Lord take over

@sinbach I am so honored to be about to meet these precious saints.

@JesseStone I'm praying for that. Mercy as the Remnant cries out.

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