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Eric G boosted

Dear Friend of Humanity, Democracy, Society & Equality.

Need your help in getting Memes,Cartoons & short video clips on various Spiritual/Social issues of our Nation and other Nations to be used as prayer tool. If you can or know of someone who can help, please inbox me! Thanks for your kingdom investment!!

She was already married 5 times and shacked-up with another man! This woman was really thirsty, but she had been drinking from the wrong wells. One day, The Well that would quench her thirst forever sought her this time. Jesus, not holding her sins against her, transformed her in an instant!
She ran to tell all in her village, leaving her water jar behind, because now, out of her belly flowed living waters. She no longer needed it! She had become the well!

@katharos I think they would remain the same as Trump's team wouldn't be officially contesting those votes. I could be wrong, but I think they'd have to file separate law suits for those.

@katharos yep, the 12th amendment i think says each state gets 1 vote. What ever party has a 2/3 majority in that state will be the party they have to vote for. I believe there are 38 states w republican majority and 13 (counting DC) with dem majority. In this scenario Trump will would win.

Eric G boosted

@Jimm341 at least as long as Dominion has been being used. Establisment Republicans seem to either be in on it or just plain stupid for not investigating

Hi @Mickela , In Preferences, there's an "Invite People" section where you can get a secure link to share to whomever you'd like.

Eric G boosted

💥WOW💥 DingDash just had the most new users EVER this week after Facebook and Twitter went on a rampage blocking users and shutting down posts.

Just like that another "glitch" was found. This time giving 19,500 votes to Trump in Wisconsin. The media-crowned president only leads there now by about 1500 votes. Getting interesting.

@GayleSaia Hey Tuttie! Thanks for joining and Welcome aboard! Have a look around and let me know if you have any questions!

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