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@sinbach Like father like sons..? That sounds like Rocky. 😂

@sinbach this definitely is a thing we adults can learn from children!

@sinbach well, it sounds like you've been the best dad for your boys 💝

@sinbach What cute boys - I can so understand you! 💖
Our oldest daughter is only 14 years, but I've already realized how fast time is flying!! 😯

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Last year all my wonderful DD brothers and sisters were praying for my daughter and granddaughter to survive an extremely different delivery. Today Kynlee turned one and she is beautiful and healthy and so is my daughter.
I thank God for DD! A place that brings us together from around the world to love and hold each other up in prayer. Praise God for saving the life of this tiny child that has my heart wrapped around her tiny finger!

Dear sisters and brothers who are praying for Ukraine! I have received two long letters (last one yesterday) from an Ukrainian sister (through my dear friend and sister in Christ, Laura) about the current situation and their prayer requests for the country. The person who wrote the letters was happy to hear that I'm able to share them out to Christians from different countries here on dingdash. However, the letters are too long to share them here directly, but if you would like to receive them to your e-mail (or whatsapp, signal) I'm happy to send them to you! Please send me a message with your details and I will mail you.

I've just under the last years started to understand why we should preach the gospel about becoming a FOLLOWER of Christ and not only to "believe in Jesus and be saved to heaven". This video (and others on the same subject) has helped me and it gives some good advice on how to win people for Christ (or better said, how God uses you to find them!)

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@sinbach Yes it's a great miracle! 🙌 And the resistans must be a surprise to Putin himself who are now pulling the soldiers back from Kiev. There's just the risk that if he starts to lose his face, he might strike some heavier bombs in Ukraine. So praying for a peaceful ending of this all 🙏

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anybody remember the "security" expert with 😂 more than a life time of experience in military intelligence saying Ukraine was done, put a fork in it?"
Well it's been more than a month and the Ukrainians are STILL holding the line. They have humiliated the Russian military AND now even started to strike targets in Russia.

@faith20 What is happening to unvaccinated teachers in Italy is so wrong and it's quite shocking to hear how they take away legal rights from people and make them second class citizens, just because they're not vaccinated. The fact is that the vaccinated are spreading the "disease" just as much as non-vaccinated and with the omicron variant it has become even clearer that the vaccin is not helping to stop the disease from spreading and eventually it will go through the whole population. To continue blaming and punishing the unvaccinated in this situation has nothing to do with the disease anymore.

I pray that eyes will be opened! 🙏

@faith20 Dear brother, my husband and I pray for you and your wife. May God's perfect will happen in your lives and give you strenght to follow Him however and wherever He leads you! 🙏💖

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@Chidiotamiri yes!

The word of God needs likewise to "become flesh" in our lives, so that it no longer is something we just know, but it totally changes us from the inside out, and this is the work of the Holy Spirit.

What a mercy! 🙌

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The Holy Spirit's principal ministry is to get the word of God into our spirits. Satan's main target is to stop the word of God from getting into our spirits.

@jezzadiah4messiah yes, this is a great victory, thank you Lord!

But according to the news, most likely the prosecutor won't be satisfied with this, but she's going to take it to the Court of Appeal. So prayer will still be needed.

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I just got this in my email. So happy to hear this. It’s a big win for freedom and free speech in the world.

“A Finnish court has upheld the right to free speech by dismissing all charges against Päivi Räsänen and Bishop Juhana Pohjola!

In a unanimous ruling, the Helsinki District Court concluded that “it is not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts.” The prosecution was ordered to pay more than 60,000 euros in legal costs.”

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