
so sad that @raymondthebrave has decided to not to defend his position. he attacked my faith but was not willing to defend his reason. instead he deleted his DD account. I guess @raymondthebrave was not as brave as he claimed in his handle name. 😥

@sinbach Why are Christians so quick to think we would know how God would/should decide and how he would judge? I have a hard time understanding why our thinking we must be right (e.g., about how God will decide / judge) leads to destruction of unity in the body of Christ. We are just created ones to whom enough knowledge is revealed.

@Jhayward completely agree. we spent 6 years making CHASING REVIVAL where we were able to be with coptics, amish, chaldeans, orthodox, etc and we found sooo many amazing Christians that praised God in different ways. ill do a podcast on this tomorrow. i am truly sad that @raymondthebrave will not be with us for it.

@Jhayward @sinbach i always think of the man who gave His life to Jesus, while hanging on the cross next to Him

No water baptism.

No obvious filling of the Holy Spirit.

No 'churchy' things.

And yet evidently was gonna meet Jesus again based on just saying yes, as far as I can work it out....helps me keep perspective when I think about what constitutes 'coming to faith'

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily @Jhayward EXACTLY! this was going to be my FIRST question to raymond if he would have joined me.

@sinbach I don't speak in tongues. But Christ lives in me. I believe the Bible says you must believe that Jesus is the son of God, to believe He was born of a virgin; He was crucified for our sons; that He died and descended into hell and rose again on the third day. He will come again to take us to be with Him for eternity. Isn't tongues a gift? Do we not have different gifts? Different vocations making one body? I'm sorry if you were hurt.I will speak tongues it will be privately.

@MaryMamuzich I am with you Mary. Salvation essentials should be our focus.

@sinbach satan can really get the boat rocking in the family of faith. Humble pie needs to be in our daily diet. Good thing I love pie🤣🤣 ( My foot is at time stuck in my mouth) Have a good day and know my prayers are always with you and your family and I hope you get a new dog to help patch the hole in your heart.
Also loving Crimson Crucible!!

@sinbach That is too bad. We should be able to dialog and rightly influence each other without being offended or threathened. I would suggest you try again with him sinbach.

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