
China is persecuting the church and building the biggest roadways in history.
Anything about that sentence remind you of the spread of the Gospel under the Roman Empire?

@sinbach God is the mighty provider! God loves the people of China but the devil is using deceived leaders to do much persecution.. I pray God turn hearts to righteousness before the night comes!!!

I read a book a while back called "The New Silk Road" which was a big eye opener as to the longterm regional and wirldwide economic plans. Investment and construction of major ports and highways are a huge goal towards world dominance economically. @sinbach

@sinbach God is so amazing! Laying the plan out for the workers.

@sinbach yes indeed the Pax Romana provided in roads for the gospel of peace do it again Lord God

@sinbach I am a little worried about the integrity of Chinese-built bridges...not that American integrity is very impressive these days...

@KarlGessler as you should be! Chinese bridges are not that safe. BTJ has built bridges in China - WE KNOW how many corners they tried to cut!

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