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The testimonies being shared on UnitedHive every day are an amazing reminder that our God lives!

This was at our hackers conference last year.
Yes, I really did use that knife to open an audio Bible.
It sucks being the dumbest guy in the room.

Sinobach boosted

Update on Heidi. She was pretty grumpy after the surgery, but the doc said he had to wash the fluid out of her ears and that it was the consistency of glue. He thought it was probably impacting her hearing by around 30dB! She just woke up from a nap and we can tell that she is hearing things clearly for the first time! God is good! It is so great seeing her watch her go-to videos with a new excitement. Thank you for your continual prayers and praise God for answering them! Video to come soon.

Sinobach boosted

@daniel I've been praying 2 days straight for this surgery!! Plz keep us posted! She is just as adorable as I pictured her to be!

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

Just watched 2015 Macbeth with my youngest son for a school project.
Hmmm.....if I am honest....I was truly entertained.

Sinobach boosted

Please kindly pray for Bhutan specially for the those believers who are on daily wages are struggling a lot. Because of the current situation. Our hope is only on the lord Jesus the King of all the kings

@Overcomer so cool to see you on here. welcome to our small online family.

The biggest Covid Winner of 2020 is Christian Homeschooling!
Homeschooling is still illegal in China, but the number of Chinese parents now homeschooling their children has skyrocketed!

Sinobach boosted

He has gone to be with Jesus. Please pray for his wife and 12 children.

Sinobach boosted

Happy Chinese New Years! I must say, last year we were under lockdown and this year we have been under an even more strict lockdown for the past month. We are a year closer to the return of our Precious Lord Jesus, and seeing even more so the desperate need for people to care about the lost souls around them.
Pray for us here in China.

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

@sinbach you must be able to sleep on command! You are constantly in different time zones! I watch in wonder how the Lord will unfold His plan with this craziness.

Just arrived in Chicago tonight. So sad to see it this way after returning from Dubai and Istanbul that are in full swing.
Could the contrast be greater?
Above picture is Chicago O'hare terminal 2 luggage exit
Below is Dubai terminal 3 luggage exit

This is a 30 day devotional like none other.
Starting next week on Chinese New Year.

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Sinobach's choices:

DingDash is one server in the network