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Sinobach boosted

Islamic terrorists execute 5 Christians, video of killings released with warning to other Christians
Five of the 11 Christians kidnapped on Christmas Day in northeast Nigeria have been executed by Islamic terrorists

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Sinobach boosted

This week in Egypt, terrorists posted a video showing the execution of three people. One of them was 62-year-old Coptic Christian, Nabil El-Habashy.
His crime? Helping to rebuild a church.

Just want to congratulate my son tonight on making captain in his cadet corps.
I'm a proud papa.
Love that guy.
Norwich Forever.

You could teach your children to look to NBA and Hollywood stars as their heroes, OR you could read to them stories about modern day missionaries who give up everything to share the Good News with those that have never heard.

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The great thing about annual vacations with your siblings is that you get to watch your nieces and nephews grow into the responsible adults you taught them to be.

A BIG FAT THANK YOU to all of you guys that have been praying for our work in China. We've had some major miracles happen and KNOW that it's the direct result of your prayers!

I honestly don't know who gave them permission to grow up.

Not all ministers need a stage.
Not all preachers need a microphone.
Not all ministries need neon lights.
Missionaries in closed countries are going back to the basics and using the same methods as the 1st century church - using simple business opportunities to spread the Gospel.
That's why we are hosting a Christian business forum and are inviting you to come and meet our Chinese, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African partners that currently use business in closed countries to support the spread of the Gospel and how we can partner together.

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Sinobach boosted

With the green passport agenda barreling our way, I decided to share a piece of my mind and take a stand. Looking for a perspective on the vaccine passport that's grounded in Biblical truth? Read this post and go find God's voice for yourself this weekend!

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