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I don't post enough stuff that is just for fun. How about this? A good picture of most. A couple of people look concerned or something...

I love these kids!

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Ramadan Prayer Focus, Day 18: Pray for the Palestinians in New York City 🇵🇸

One day he stumbled upon an ancient Christian catacomb, a former underground church, in his homeland. There in the darkness, using his flashlight to illuminate the Christian graffiti on the walls, Nour felt a peace he had never experienced come over him.

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I am excited to share another story of a redeemed life in this week's podcast. You will be touched by Kevin Marino's testimony.

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Sinobach boosted

We are living during the buying season.

They say that the time to invest in the stock market is when stock is dropping and everyone else is selling. When that happens, your emotions tell you to stay away or to get out of the market because it is failing. But experienced stock investors buy in those moments because they have faith that the stock market will rebound and they will make a profit for buying when the price was low.

I believe that we are living in a cultural moment when it seems that all is failing. Many Christians perceive a dark future. But I believe that we are at the brink of a great harvest.

Every day is the right time to sow the seeds of the Gospel but I believe we are living in a particular moment in history when God’s people will be highly rewarded for investing heavily in the kingdom of God.

It’s just a thought. It’s a hunch.

But when the rains come, make sure your garden has been tilled and sown with seed so that you don’t miss the harvest.

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There is a crisis among young people in China - suicide rates are among the highest they have ever been.
But in their time of greatest need, the Gospel is providing hope where communism has failed them.

A trip with BTJ can change your life. Send an email to and learn more about joining us in Iraq.

After paying into the system for years, BTJ Workers in China have now been told "Deny Christ or lose your social benefits."

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Your Word will not be shaken
Your Word will never fail me
Like a fire in my bones
Like a whisper to my soul
Your Word is revelation

I came across this song a couple days ago, and had it on repeat since

PayPal: "Law requiring ID to vote in Georgia is racist."
Also PayPal: "ID required to open PayPal account."

Dear DingDash family, please keep us in your prayers today. I am here in the US writing Meriam Ibrahim's story. Not an easy story. Yesterday was filled with emotion and tears as Meriam talked about being born in a refugee camp, her father brutally murdering her aunt for an honor killing, her mother being tied up for two days and raped, and her running away and hiding to escape circumcision - only to be forcefully dragged back to the village and the Muslim elders publicly witnessing her genital mutilation - and this was all before she was even 7 years old!
We can use all the prayers we can get for this project.

You know it's time right?
...It's time to dust off your passport and join us in Iraq for a vision casting trip that will change your life.

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We had a wonderful down time, tech free camping with the grandkids. I love getting out in nature!!

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Dear prayer warriors, please continue to pray for my daughter's healing and for wisdom and God's direction for my husband and I as we seek where to get the care that will be best for her. We've been praying for a healing miracle and will plan to continue to do so. God is more than able. We need Him desperately.

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Amazing testimonies from inside of China!
“We are seeing so many people come to Christ. I have been calling the church leaders and begging them for more workers."

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