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Sinobach boosted

I love Sweden, and I share stuff like this with a heavy heart. This is about other things than helping people in their deepest needs (then they would help the Yazidis etc). It’s about “extreme” immigration policies. Today Sweden is the second most violent country in Europe. Sweden used to be the safe haven for people around the world. Including my Finnish ancestors, and Jews, during the WWII. Today most of their politics are based on atheistic secular humanism, which might look good on the surface but is destructive. Have you heard that ISIS terrorists that have returned to Sweden are offered free apartments, instead of international war crime tribunals? Did you know that if they rape a woman on the street, they get short sentences and are probably not sent back to their home countries? Did you know that you can travel to Sweden (car, ferry) without any further security control. It’s easy to smuggle illegal drugs and weapons. I could go on, but no digits left.

Here is a special podcast for those crazy few that have chosen to join us in the Middle East in a few months.

I was talking with a dear sister from Sudan the other day and she showed me the scars on her throat and arm. When I asked what they were she told me.
"The scar on my throat was from a hot metal poker that the doctor used to burn my throat to make my cough go away when I got the flu. It took three months for the burn to heal. The scars on my arm are from the burns of a hot iron to keep me from getting malaria. All of us were forced to do this in Sudan. It didn't work, but it didn't matter. It made the people feel like they were doing something to fight the disease and it was expected that everyone pretend it was working."
"Wow that's crazy," I said. "Everybody doing something that they know doesn't work, but makes them feel better about doing it anyway."
"Like wearing a mask?" she replied.
WOW! Puts it all into perspective. She deflated my western pride. In some ways we haven't advanced so much.
My Sudanese friend is a medical doctor and now lives in America.

In response to the covid-19 teen suicide pandemic in China, we have launched a NEW program to share hope in the darkness.

This was a video that we recorded at the beginning of Feb 2020 after I returned from China. All the information in this video that we shared with our supporters is still rather accurate.
We looked at the evidence on the ground, bucked the narrative and shared the obvious with our supporters in this video - Covid-19 was most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan.
That information was blocked by social media giants and MSM, but MORE THAN A YEAR LATER, the rest of the world is starting to come around.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach 🙂

Gotta love Dingdash 🙂

Have you seen what's happening with Stonewall here in the UK? Interesting!!

Andy B

In honor of Swedish National Day today I will declare a lack of declaration and write this post about NOT posting anything patriotic. For, I know that my lack of Swedish patriotism is the most patriotic way I can show my Swedish patriotism.

Sinobach boosted

@messenjahofchrist - let's do a podcast when you have time about the lates FB ban.

BTJ partner and DingDash creator banned AGAIN on Facebook.
Free Speech not allowed in China
Free Speech not allowed in North Korea
Free Speech not allowed in Iran
Free Speech not allowed in Saudi Arabia
Free Speech not allowed on Facebook
In the beginning was the Word....
How will they know unless they hear, and how will they hear unless someone preaches to them?
Jesus is the Truth
Satan NEEDS to stop the Preaching of the Truth and the Word of God
Free speech is inseparable from Christianity
THIS! is the reason why we created

How bad are things getting in North Korea?
Well according to the North Korean government - 700 orphans have just "volunteered" to work in coal mines.

Such a fun time. One son is vaccinated BUT is going to a university with no mask mandate and no vaccination requirement (Montana State University) and the other son is NOT vaccinated and is returning to a University (Norwich) with BOTH a mask mandate AND a vaccination requirement.
We guessed wrong. 🤷‍♂️

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