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She is hilarious and one of my good friends.
She explains how traveling to Iraq with BTJ changed her life forever.

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Me At 15: When I grow up, I'm not gonna be like my parents.

Me Now: Why do you kids keep forgetting to put the milk back in the fridge?!

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Where did the last week go? Wow... Yesterday was Sunday - at least it seems like it. Take care! Don't step off The Way 😍 But even if you you do remember we have the Graetest Help of all time sitting on the Right Side of the Father and He promissed that He will not abandon or forsaken you. Chin Up!

Why do Disney stories connect with us on such a deep level? Pastor Billy Humphry shares how movies reveal the Gospel story imprinted on our heart - even if we deny it.

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My Discovery Of Charles Spurgeon journal entry #2

A fellow pastor complained to Charles Spurgeon one day that he was seeing no conversions through his preaching.

Spurgeon feigned surprise and answered,
“But you do not expect conversions every time you preach, do you?”

“Oh, no, of course not!”
Replied the minister.

Spurgeon retorted,
“And that is why you do not have them!”

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New book!!! Published & Releases Saturday. Will you snag a copy?

Also don’t miss Episode 80 (Fuel For the Harvest podcast) - “Nathan interviews Charlie on his upcoming book, Mudrunner to be released June 19th! In Mudrunner, Charlie shares riveting stories from his own Kingdom adventures across the globe: proclaiming Jesus to forgotten tribes, witnessing miracles, pushing back spiritual darkness, even running from a lion!

He also provides Biblical challenges, equipping and inspiring believers to join Jesus in His Kingdom cause—whether across the street or across the sea. Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and more!”

Apple podcast:


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This is Dedicated to all those on the Battlefield of Back to Jerusalem!!!God Bless You!

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@sinbach it looks good. I need to expand my taste buds... Expand my travel. DingDash has introduced me to ppl around the world and it's all so fascinating.

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I was praying this morning, remembering so many of you who have shared your prayer requests with us here on Dingdash. Such a privilege to pray with you and stand with you 🙏🏼

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @HimalayanShepherd @DevotionalTreasures @Berrybunchfamily @Toolman @weavers4jesus @tymektt (and @sinbach needs all the prayer he can get)

I am sharing at an extremely unique missions conference in Sweden this week with about 21 different organisations being represented.
I humbly ask for your prayers as we search together for new ways to cause trouble.

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Shalom...last year this response to a post I made on FB, @sinbach wrote:

"good post. I wrote my dissertation for my maters degree 20 years ago arguing pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib rapture. i presented a biblical argument for each one and defended each one equally. my conclusion? serve the Lord and preach the Gospel to as many people as humanly possible. today! Fighting theology with other Christians wastes precious time when there are so many who have NEVER heard. End times is not supposed to distract us - but motivate us. Until Jesus returns!"

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