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Sinobach boosted

Pointing being I was on missions...and after all the preaching in the villages.. retiring to the hut that night..I was absolutely joyous .. so I came up with this jingle!...

So enjoyed being at the Christmas market tonight in Stockholm.
I truly LOVE this city.

My youngest son, Micah (in front) doing his thing.

Sinobach boosted

Hello everyone! If you have kids I recommend that head items from back to Jerusalem! They are really good and a lot of my friends have there for their kids in my church and would highly recommend them!!! Go and get them at their website:)))

There are two types of people in the world.
Those that KNOW Die Hard is a Christmas movie and Communists.

Sinobach boosted

The same thing a doctor from South Africa testifies. No hospitalizations because of Omicron. Seems like a mild flu. Those that we always have around us. BUT you need to close down countries and force vaccinations or punish those who refuse. Madness.

⚠️Danger⚠️ Phone on Plane
10 years ago, we were ALL told to turn off our phones and laptops because it messed with the flight navigation system. As a pilot, I knew that it wasn't true, BUT we all followed the rules anyway.
Now, many years later, we are told that we can indeed have our phones in use during flight. It was NEVER a danger. Common sense told us that it was never a danger, but we all conformed -
Today we are told to have our phones in flight mode during take off and landing - as if that makes a difference.
Again - we all kind of know it isn't true - but we do it anyway
We like to scold the guy still checking his email right before take off because he is putting ALL of our lives in danger. He obviously doesn't care about THE SAFETY OF OTHERS.
Like the phone on the plane, I wonder....
how long will it take before we ALL realize that WEARING A MASK IS EXACTLY THE SAME.

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Sinobach boosted

Hey ding Dash family, just wanted to list everyone up in Praise, and to know that our father is with you, I felt the need to send this to everyone across the globe, And to tighten up your armor, and to sharpen your swords,
Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.

Miss her.
This is me teaching my grandma to shoot a rifle for the first time in her life.
We had to put her oxygen tank to the side.
She loved it a little too much. 😂

Huge breakthrough in Iran today! Praise the LORD!

Sinobach boosted

@tanjaostman why are you trying to make me cry?...Being Loved is such a boost I tell you!!!!!
Please pray for me....I'm off to train Ministers for 3 days...will be away form home for 5 days...

LOVE this time of year!
Toys for Tots - worth supporting.

Sinobach boosted

I love there books! Really worth reading, their stories are sooo amazing and inspiring!

Sinobach boosted

A wise government that cared for its' people and even for itself would sincerely urge its people to be thoroughly discipled by Christ.

🎄Something tells me this tree doesn't want to EVER be used as an xmas tree. 🎄
It just....hmmm....seems angry at the world.

Sinobach boosted

I have some Christmas ideas that I saw today on back to jerusalems web sight! They have so many books I’ve read and have at home!!! Go and check there if you are out of ideas!

Sinobach boosted

Here are some of the stuff I saw that they have today! And guess what. They are on saleeee! Go check it out! 😝

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