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I LOVE how so many places these days know how to deliver a KETO burger.
Bacon cheese burger, cooked in butter and bacon fat, served on a bed of kale and cabbage, flanked by a container of halomi fries.
Perfect lunch for me! 😋

Sinobach boosted

China's GREAT DECOUPLING is one of the biggest events happening in the world today and few Christians know anything about it.

Those are some motivating xmas lights!
Iwo Jima for the win

Everyone is asking why the numbers in Florida are so low. 🤷‍♂️
Without a mask mandate in Florida, how could this be?
What if our natural immunity is one of the best front-line defenses? Besides rest, diet, and exercise, our immune system needs vitamin D.
Natural vit D is largely from the sun, processed when our skin is exposed to sun light.
The skin on our face is often the most exposed to the sun and processes a large amount of the vitamin D that our body needs to boost our immunity.
Perhaps we should ask, what happens when we cover more than half of the surface area on our face with a mask and significantly reduce our body's ability to access natural Vitamin D?

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

The same democrats who support "My Body, My Choice" are now fully supporting firing anyone who refuses the jab & some cities now require even children to show proof they got vaccinated to have a normal life!
This is extortion & has NOTHING to do with "You're Choice"!

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

Be grateful, even for the small things you can accomplish

Today I'm making our bed.

Last time I tried to tidy it up, I had my first cut to deal with while on blood thinners - from a bolt that holds the frame together.

But I'm learning to get on with what I can do, when I can do it, and be peaceful when - like this morning - I felt a little in need of a bit more rest.

But this afternoon that extra resting (not my favourite ever!!!!!!) has paid off as I'm able to, slowly but surely, put fresh bedding on our bed.

For me that is an achievement, and one that I'm feeling very blessed to be able to do today.

I've even organised the table dryer loaded, loaded the washing machine myself.

Small things, but important. And each one I feel blessed to be able to do, as I start to get back with the idea of living.

So, put really simply count your blessings!!

Andy B

Sinobach boosted

Our eternal hope rests in Jesus Christ alone! Thank YOU for your prayers for our front line Ministers serving globally! Will YOU pray and ask the Lord what is the most sacrifical gift YOU can so together we can reach and win and disciple more souls into the Kingdom? YOUR prayers impact eternity!

I was contacted by a scammer from India today that hacked into a friends email.
It took up most of my day today but it was soooo much fun.
He kept asking me to buy Amazon gift cards to send to him and I kept sending him bogus confirmation numbers.
We went back and forth. I was asking for help and instructions. He was getting so impatient and angry.
I am easily entertained.

And she thought she was against Christians EVER touching guns....until she met me.

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

Imagine how massive God's mercy and forgiveness is.
Go ahead take a guess.
Then smack yourself because even what you imagine in your most grand moments is still too stinking small.

A police officer called the station on his radio. "I have an interesting case here. An old lady just shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped."
"Have you arrested the woman?"
"Not yet. The floor is still wet."

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