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Guys, whether you acknowledge it or not, this single event in history is changing the future of the Middle East FOREVER.
The final frontier of missions is getting smaller.

Sinobach boosted

Andrei said he had a great time! And he is very excited to be involved.
Thank you!

Sinobach boosted

Have YOU wanted to reach the nations with the Gospel? As we partner with the Lord we invite you to partner with our friends on heavenly assignments around the world in this Festival of Friends loving the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Listen to this short message to learn more about CMM's vision and how we connect friends taking them into the presence of the Lord, both in missions and our school of Theology.
The Great Harvest Is Here! Learn More How CMM Reaches The Nations Even During The Lockdowns!

Sinobach boosted

My wife and I had a premature child (26 week term, now 4 weeks post gestation)
Baby needs a blood transfusion. Blood banks, while asking Vax status and supplier, claim they are not sorting donor blood and you cannot request 'clean' blood. (free from mRNA and graphene oxide)

We NEED a type O negative donor for our son, anywhere within the continental US, who is:

Not vaccinated for covid
Blood Type = O negative
No serious disease
Willing to donate blood

Facebook blocks account of African Christian Mother that was persecuted for her faith.
For posting about persecution of Christians.
FB's timing is oddly just before her book is to be released.
Let's help highlight her story even more by sharing it with others.
If you have an account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Parlor, Gab, etc - please share this article on as many platforms as possible.

BTJ just finished hosting our annual Hackers Conference.
Just WOW❗
This year we had hackers from all around the world meet up in the Middle East and dream of the newest ways to invade the enemy's territory with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and set the captives free.
This is a Great Day to complete the Great Commission.

A Public Service Announcement:
If you were singing along with every song at the Superbowl half-time show - it's time to schedule your colonoscopy.

The new least democratic nation in the world?
I wonder if the new #1 will surprise others the way that it surprised me? 🤯

Those joining us in prayer for the nation of Iran need to be aware that Honor Killings are a massive problem.

Could Covid Lockdowns morph into Climate Lockdowns?
Listening to the climate experts right now - it seems to be a very real option.
Would Jesus want us to lockdown to save the environment?

sorry. i couldn't help it.
I honestly LOL'd when I read this

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Sinobach's choices:

DingDash is one server in the network