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Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

@sinbach Please tell us how our brothers and sisters in China "pray for those in authority" over them. Since we have entered a new world order, we need mentors.

Sinobach boosted

Wonderful CAPNI Organization Visitors at the Dream Center yesterday! Aseel and Mario you are so appreciated and the work you do!

Well it looks like the DingDash'ers are pretty darn clear on where they stand on this issue.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach I’m so glad you shared this! I was just preparing to stay up late this weekend to download all my photos from Facebook, one by one. But I followed the steps from your tutorial and was able to download all 1250 photos under 5 mins. Thank you so much!!

How to download ALL OF YOUR FACEBOOK pictures and videos in less than 2 minutes.
If you are closing your Facebook Account or preparing for a day when you might be locked out - here is how to save all of those precious memories.

Sinobach boosted

Indian Hospital Worker From UP Dies Just 24 Hrs After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine Covishield

I know the 765 very well. My family in Blackford County are now all 765. It was 317 when I was growing up, but now all 765 territory. I grew up just east of Montpelier along HWY 18.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach In my walk with Christ, which started in 2016 in a home fellowship I had the most: grace, revelation, love, confrontation, deliverance, tears of joy, and tears of repentance on small meetings - face to face, around a dining table.
I'm not sure if my life would bear a similar amount of experience if switched to online gatherings.
Please do not hear what I'm not saying - I'm condemning neither large congregations nor online meetings. Just sharing my experience. Especially that large meetings and online sessions are regularly used by our "movement" to meet with other house churches and celebrate together.

Sinobach boosted

Thousands marching in migrant caravan to US demand Biden administration 'honor its commitments'

What will America look like in 1 more year?

Now that we have a couple of thousand people on DingDash - I would LOVE to hear where you guys are from. Please write below what part of the world you are joining us from.

I have spent the last 20 years working in China, North Korea, Iran, Somalia, etc... and through the years God has revealed to me in His WORD that He is the God of Free Speech - LOGOS. In this podcast, I share why Free Speech is foundational for disciples of Christ.

Sinobach boosted

MY heart is smiling at this review of Sworn To Sacrifice, Book #4 in my pen name Cristina Ryan's Holiday Romance Series.

ok - first votes are in and there is a clear consensus emerging. 🤔

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach It sounds like a good place to sow seed. I will.

Sinobach boosted

Hi freedom friends! Follow me and I will follow you back. 💃

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach Praying for you and my brothers and sisters in china ,love you all!

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