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Saturday will be a day of death that haunts the soul of thousands of young women who have scheduled abortions today. Saturday is Planned Parenthood’s kill-day.

Pray for mothers and fathers and babies. Pray for Doctors,
Grandparents, and Boyfriends. Pray for every person connected to an abortion. Pray for change, repentance, and healing. Speak LIFE. Lord, Jesus, have mercy.

The Future of Marketing?
Chinese company sends up the worlds first QR Code using drones to light up the sky in Shanghai

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach too many innocent women are killed in Finland and Sweden by their husbands, boyfriends and exes. Ordinary people don't carry guns here since it's not allowed (except from for hunting). It's a tricky thing to defend yourself in these two countries, because if you use "excessive force" when trying to defend yourself, you can be more punished than the perpetrator. So you may defend yourself but know exactly how hard you can hit the perpetrator so that he won't hurt too much or die. How easy is that when your life is threatened?

Sinobach boosted

Man with violent history of domestic abuse, kicked in door to this woman's home, grabbed a knife and was about to attack her and her child. He went from room to room until he found the woman.
Police had no time to respond.
She had a gun. He now has a hole in the head.
Innocent lives saved.

Want to know how to easy it is start a business in Asia, Middle East and Africa?
We will show you everything in our step-by-step seminar and introduce you to missionaries who are ready to work with you to use business to help complete the Great Commission.

Sinobach boosted

“You know how it is with pagan rulers,” He said, “They Lord it over their subjects. They get all high and mighty and let everyone know it. But that is not how it’s to be with you. If anyone wants to be great, he must be your servant.”

Matthew 20:25-26

The United States Government was built around this idea. If the government is by the people and for the people, they will serve the people and the nation will be great. But as it is, our supposedly “elected” leaders have slipped into paganism. In fact, much of America has slipped into paganism as they “Lord over us,” instead of serving us. A Christian revival is the only way back to freedom and good government.
That revival begins with us giving up paganism and becoming servants in our families and communities.

We are doing a Bach family controlled study.
My wife and youngest son are now fully vaccinated.
Myself and my oldest son are not.
I've been traveling the world for months - different airport every week, speaking in large meetings, and staying in places with a no mask policy.
My wife is not traveling and forced to abide by the most draconian COVID policy on earth.
We will let you know our results.
You are welcome.

I spoke at a small church in Illinois on Sunday and when I arrived, I met someone from DingDash that gave me an offering I have never received before.

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

God is always in good mood.
Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!
Psalms 37:5 TPT

Sinobach boosted

Oh wow!! Talk about earthquakes in diverse places!

Sinobach boosted

Dude, I love you! Homeless and loving it! That's awesome! I love how you say God is calling you to be more 'irresponsible you were in your 20's' and "the more we fall in love with Christ, the more radical He calls us. The more irrational our decisions are as we follow after Him. And guys I'm homeless and loving it!" That's awesome. Praise God!
Last year the Lord led us to sell our home and work on paying off our debts and getting rid of everything [stuff]. We believe that He is calling us to Brazil, but we also believe that it could possibly be for a wilderness experience, but ultimately to prepare us for worldwide missions.
So we're working on the homeless thing too, LoL. We still have 4 small ones, but the Lord knows that into which He shall lead us.

I don't know if Iraq is in our near, near future, but the Lord knows ALL. Thank you for being a light and for keepin' it real.
Currently, we still have a lot of things to sell and only months remaining. May God remove debts

I NEVER take personal offerings BUT today, I made a special exception. A fellow DingDasher traveled from another city to join us for service this morning AND brought me ALL my favorite road trip foods!
Thanx so much brother!

Big tech is watching, listening, and doing some extremely shady things to manipulate us all.
Here is what you can do in response.

Today was the graduation ceremony at Norwich University.
BIG congrats to the class of 2021!
Now the baton has been handed to the class of 2022.
My son is now a senior‼️

Have you ever heard of the wealthy Christian Kingdoms of Sudan?
We share why you haven't heard in our next podcast.

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DingDash is one server in the network