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Have you seen the movie, "Tortured for Christ?" Or read the book?
Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, from Romania.
A new movie is coming next week in theaters about his wife, Sabina.
Here's a link to find a location near you.

Utah is implementing a New Mobile Driver's License that some have claimed uses a social media scoring system that is similar to the one being used in China.
Is this true?

What she had to go through was horrible and dehumanizing for a world leader. We are not talking about an inconvenience - we are talking about hours of unexplainable rejection and humiliation.

I read my Bible today and it turns out - most of my heroes were criminals.

This is not from today, but I woke up this moring in the mood for fresh fish. I have been on an intense seafood kick for the last week. My body must be missing some kind of nutrients that is only found in seafood. I think cravings are often linked to nutrient deficiencies. Listen to your cravings - God knew what He was doing when he made your body.

Sorry. I live in the real world and it made me laugh.
God forgive me for laughing and be with the Pygmies in Africa.

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CMM Oasis Global Gathering Nov. 2nd 2021 With all that is happening in the world today, we need HOPE, found only in our Lord. Dr. Cindy Johnson leads this gathering with CMM some of our family from the USA, Europe, Africa in discussing hope deferred and not pretending in our faith walk. You don't want to miss this episode.

I can't buy my beloved freshly made Skagenröra in Northern Sweden, so I made my own today for the very first time...and have to turned out AMAYYYZING!

Is it possible to keep a KETO lifestyle as a missionary? After almost 4 years of eating Low Carb High Fat while living in China, my wife and I share a few thoughts.

📣 Public Service Announcement 📣
Yesterday was Halloween and American Christians spent more $ on costumes for their dogs than the entire annual budget for missions to the unreached people groups.

@bethany - this is what fika during church service looks like.
Instead of pews, there are tables and during a short break between worship and the sermon - we have fika fellowship with coffee and Swedish cinnamon rolls.

Best picture ever!
My grandparents came to me for marriage counseling - can you IMAGINE?!
Oh man....It was super awkward and I did not want to say yes, BUT my wife convinced me that I could NOT say no.
My wife and I sat with them together and took their problems to the cross. We prayed. We laughed. We cried.
After that session, we put on some music in our cabin and they began to dance. It was so special.
Joy filled the room. We all joined in!
They were married for over 60 years and this was their last dance before they both passed away. They have both been gone for almost a year, but this picture of the two of them dancing together will forever be in my memory.

"You can't leave those that created the problem in charge of the solution." - anonymous quote.

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Rape Victim Moving Past Trauma with Vision for Employing 15 Women in New Business Fazeelat Salman suffered a brutal rape and then her Father was murdered in his efforts to bring justice to the perpetrator. The story doesn't end there. She has a vision to employ 15 women in her own company to offer hope and good incomes in a Christian workplace. Pray and as the Lord leads give into the launching of this new Christian enterprise to empower women and help them provide for their families. The cost is $3,880.00

I don't live in the US and do not celebrate Halloween, BUT if I did - THIS would be my costume!
sorry - too honest.
I'm sorry. Jesus forgive me and be with the Pigmies.

This week, a man punches a woman in the face on a subway train full of men. Not one man does anything to help the woman, protect her from further assault, or to detain the man from assaulting the woman again. 😢
The woman stands there alone. Vulnerable. Hurting. She has been punched, threatened, and the man threatening her is in her face promising to do it again and NOT ONE MAN DOES ANYTHING to protect her from this open, aggressive, violence.
Is Christian chivalry dead? Do Christian men have an obligation to respond?

My son and his girlfriend had their regimental ball last night.
LOVE it!

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This is a real DingDasher! A Finnish guy who communicates with Morse codes with people around the world. He started with a Finnish-American radio used during the Second World War. This device is from the 80s.

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We had a great 6 km hike today with the scouts, an hour drive away from home by a beautiful beach and in a pine forest.

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