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Sinobach boosted

This is devastating and almost unbelievable that something like this could happen.
This is very unsettling!

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach indeed it is - so humbled to see him and his faith shining through… BTJ are doing such amazing stuff to meet the needs of the persecuted church, inspired!

Sinobach boosted

THANK YOU, BTJ! I had a surprise in the mail today! This will be a reminder of our global family. 🙏

Sinobach boosted

Such a great meeting at Hope Church yesterday morning ❤️

Had the MOST amazing bacon sauerkraut EVER in Germany last night.

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

Book sales were INCREDIBLE over the weekend. so many people wanted to know more.

Thanxgiving break. Decompressing before returning to campus tomorrow.

someone proposed to @bethany today that I was in my late 20s - PROVING that Coca-cola is the fountain of youth. It tightens your pores, promotes hair growth, reverses damage to new skin cells, increases cardiovascular circulation, kills the corona virus, destroys bacteria, and makes God love you more.

Sinobach boosted

After more than two years unable to be in the UK because of Covid, we are having such an amazing time at our UK meetings!

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