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We are now under the control of a faucist government who has been marching across the world without resistance. So far there is no country that has not yet fallen to the leaders of the party. They encourage fear lest someone stand and loose their freedom. They also encourage patriotic pride in the new Government by wearing a mask and getting the jab. If you do not do these things you are a danger to the regime and they encourage all those who see you to mock you for refusing to be patriotic to the cause of great freedom and the Nutsy party.
I do not in any way endorse these things as right. I had an idea to see where the word Holi in our word Holiday comes from. The result? See the following link.
I think of the festival of lights, and modern Christian celebrations. For understanding of how our creator would like us to respond, please read Leviticus18:3-5

Shabbat Shalom dingers! I hope you have blessed Sabbath.

@Justinmartyr So the general populace or dingers know what the difference between common medical drugs and the likes versus natural remedies. Modern medicine treats the symptoms while herbs and oils change body acidity or adjust your body to a healthy balance of chemicals so you can heal and have what you need.
I have dealt with stress. There are three things I would do. Use bergamont, cinnamon, myrrh, eucalyptus, orange, or citronella (side note is that citronella and eucalyptus are natural bug repellents) oil, or I will use a small bit of magnesium no more than (500 mg), or quality music.

@Justinmartyr I have no health insurance and have not been to a doctor in five or more years and that would be an eye doctor or the likes. I have gotten infections which I promptly destroyed. I have seen sleeping habits improve, a friend who faces sever seizures have them reduced to almost nothing, several concussions that I have helped take care of (they were severe and we almost went to the hospital for it). Covid and other viruses as well as the flu can be cared for with cinnamon, myrrh, bergamont, oregano, tea tree, frankincense, and cedarwood. If you are having difficulty breathing during covid or allergy season, use pepper mint, eucalyptus, geranium, or lavender for a small list of possibilities.

@Justinmartyr Good advice but if your essential oils were pure you would never have been able to put it in your mouth unless you diluted it. I would not recommend anyone to use the oils without diluting unless you know the oils and their sources well enough. For example, Doterra and Young Living can be used without diluting, but mountain rose oils, Beeyoutiful brand oils, Now brand oils, and most other companies are not safe to use without diluting. I would dilute to 3% in other words 3 parts to a hundred. I have used cinnamon oil in an application that I ended up burning my mouth and face as it was not diluted enough. Teas and herbal supplements are not difficult but are less potent for those looking for something safer. And just in case you might want to question my credentials, I am not a doctor but have been a health advisor for friends, family, and essential oil advisor for my mom who was working to be a midwife.

@sinbach Let's begin a time of prayer for this to not happen. I have seen God move before and would love to see Him move again.

@sinbach I support a one world government movement.
I have a favorite president too.
Oh. Just to clarify, the government is the Kingdom of God and my favorite president is Yahweh.
As proof that this is possible, here is the definition of president -
Full Definition of president

1 : an official chosen to preside over a meeting or assembly. 2 : an appointed governor of a subordinate political unit. 3 : the chief officer of an organization (such as a corporation or institution) usually entrusted with the direction and administration of its policies.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Lindseyay
I forgot this 2nd part. I would recon that just as with all prophecy, there is a bit of unknown that we can only speculate on but the way I see it is if it is to be in your right hand or on your forehead it could very well mean, that you are doing it or accomplices to the usage of the mark or believe the mark is ok or being completely willing to give the government what they want. FYI, I was the one who wrote and did this study back in 2016 at the age of 15. The last paragraph is the only thing I added as it makes even more sense now with that.

@Lindseyay No one needs to say anything but I thought I would share this as food for thought.

@Rinati We are in a cycle of eat, work, sleep, go to church, repeat and the only way we can break that cycle is to step out in faith and share God to a lost world. The Great commission has been given to all of us. As the man that shared that with me said, we are no better than the pharisees. We teach the commandments of God but do not keep them. May God help us to this end.

@Rinati The premise is that as American christians we tend to eat, work, sleep; eat, work, sleep; eat, work, sleep all week long. Then we go to church and hear good teachings. We may have a fellowship meal and talk a bit afterwards but nothing more and it repeats the process every week. If we are asked how we are doing/how church was/ if God has been blessing you/ etc, we tend to reply that God has indeed blessed us. The scriptures say that "To him that knoweth to do good but doeth it not, it is sin." and "If God has blessed a man but he shuts up his bowels of compassion, it is an offense God will require at our hands". and if we see our brother sin and we warn him not, his blood will be on our hands but if we see he has sinned and we warn him and he does not listen nor change from his ways, his blood is on his own head. Based on this we all claim to be blessed by God, we know to share the blessings, but we sin and keep it to our selves.

@sinbach Mark of the Beast coming???? You can't buy or sell with out it.

@sinbach Now in light of the consensus, you continue to gather, and the Government sends in police and you are held at gunpoint for doing so, what will be your response?

I thought I would share some scriptures I have been reading today that seem to apply to us today. Isaiah 24 through 27 seem to be talking about eternity and the end of the world. 24:1-12, 17-20, 23; 25:2-5, 10-12 is talking of people feeling useless and the earth having tribulation and passing away. 24:13-16; 25:6-9; 26:1-21; 27:2-13 talk of our life in eternity and 24:21-22; 27:1 talk about judgment day. I was encouraged by Isaiah 25 in general and verses 6-9 are just so beautiful.

Some may get offended when they watch this. 

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