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I do not in any way endorse these things as right. I had an idea to see where the word Holi in our word Holiday comes from. The result? See the following link.
I think of the festival of lights, and modern Christian celebrations. For understanding of how our creator would like us to respond, please read Leviticus18:3-5

Shabbat Shalom dingers! I hope you have blessed Sabbath.

I thought I would share some scriptures I have been reading today that seem to apply to us today. Isaiah 24 through 27 seem to be talking about eternity and the end of the world. 24:1-12, 17-20, 23; 25:2-5, 10-12 is talking of people feeling useless and the earth having tribulation and passing away. 24:13-16; 25:6-9; 26:1-21; 27:2-13 talk of our life in eternity and 24:21-22; 27:1 talk about judgment day. I was encouraged by Isaiah 25 in general and verses 6-9 are just so beautiful.

Some may get offended when they watch this. 

A good encouragement to everyone. 1Peter 2:1-12, Mark 6:4, Matthew 5:10-16
I have recently been reminded of these verses in my devotions. "Remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord" regardless of what is going on around us as by that we are pillars the world around us can trust and go to for guidance to the way, the truth, and the life. Be encouraged that God knows and is ready to help us in our need.

OK! I have to mention this. I saw an advertisement from FB stating that if you want news and creativity join FB. Apparently DD has taken too much of their support.:)

Please be praying for central america, especially Nicaragua. They have had extensive flooding in the past month. As someone said, it was like a thousand years worth of flooding in a month. There is no record to compare it to.

What do you think, Is persecution

Hello everyone. I am new to dingdash. I am asking for prayer for my son and his wife, they are both dealing with addiction with drugs. Please help me pray that Jesus gives them the strength and power to overcome. Thank you all and God bless.

My gmail account has been blocking me for some reason.???🤨 I wonder why.

While the world is consumed with the latest pandemic, the Chinese government are implementing schemes like this without so much as a news article.

Never been in a rush o when in the a flat somewhere around Ayingba Kogi.....

@sinbach Bless your dear heart, precious young sister. Teach your son the ways of the Lord. May you have freedom as you sit in captivity.

This week Indiana is to make the decision about opening up Indiana all the way for wait longer. Please pray that other locations as well will be bold and take the steps to open areas. I feel like this is counter the enemies attacks of control. We're fighting principalities of the air. Thank you.

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