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Tanja boosted

Look how cute! Also from back to Jerusalem! Super cute to put on your Christmas tree. Have you started to decorate your Christmas trees yet?

@RebeckaB så fint! Är det en äkta gran? Vi brukar skaffa gran och dekorera den först kring jul. Mina svärföräldrar har ett skogsskifte därifrån vi kan hämta gran. De är inte superfina, men gratis. 😀

Tanja boosted
"Celine Dion, a Canadian born singer with more than 200-million album sales, has cancelled her tour because she is experiencing "severe and persistent muscle spasms." That sounds like a vaxxxine injury, to me. I'm putting that one down…"

Tanja boosted

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Peace Through the Trials, S4, E21

So this is one of Andy B’s extended 2 minute videos. But, after a hellish November, and nearly 6 weeks with no filming anything, it seems fitting!

As people, we want to control the situations around us, to make us safe. But we also have to learn, as we mature, to be able to discern which battles we should enter, and which battles we simply need to accept. Not accepting them in terms there is nothing we can ever do about it. But accepting that there are some battles we just need to leave to one side.

And the Bible tells us not to be anxious. But, it also tells us that, when we are anxious, we are go to God.

So when you have a month like we had – our November troubles – how do you find or maintain peace through that?

Just a thought…

Andy B

@Olamide @KarlGessler thanks for the inspiration

@biblexplorer Yes, because more and more people are opeing their eyes to the oppression and tyranny that's going on in our world right now! THings have proceeded so quickly lately.

@beocai @Berrybunchfamily I feel your pain and distress! Many of us worry about relatives that are pro c-19 vax. I have relatives with cancer diagnosis who have gotten the vax. Your daughter shouldn't get the mRNA, because some researchers say it might boost cancer in cancer patients. You are so right regarding the statistics. Praying her eyes will open!

Tanja boosted

@tanjaostman pretty much!

EU leader calling for EU wide forced vaccines

Concentration camps in Australia, Austria etc

Greece imposing finrs for over 70s, 112 euros for every month they don't get a vaccine

And the south African doctor who first discovered the new variant stating that it hasn't made a single person need medical intervention

Tanja boosted

Why are you down cast oh my soul ,put your hope in God for I will yet praise him.psalm42

Tanja boosted

I just talked to a customer service lady about a return

She is stationed in South Africa

She told me that nobody can leave the country and they have to wear a mask everywhere. If they don't they are being jailed
Yes, prison for the non diaper face

She also said that this covid thing needs to end, they are all very tired off the restrictions

I told her that evil can not stand the light and that we are winning.
She was at least able to smile with this perspective

@RebeckaB Ok! Det låter som att det är ovanligt i era trakter med snö så tidigt. Hoppas det hålls ett tag! Skulle unna alla en vit december. Det är så mycket mysigare och blir ljusare. Inte ens vi som bor på samma breddgrader i Finland som Örnsköldsvik brukar ha så kallt och mycket snö (har delat på DingDash) den här tiden på året, för att vi bor vid kusten.

@RebeckaB Kul! Jag är svenskspråkig finländare. Har också bott ett par år i Sverige, har släktingar där och besöker landet regelbundet. Bor du i Norrland då ni har snö redan?

@RebeckaB lots of snow in Finland as well. Bor du i Sverige? Ditt namn låter så svenskt och du ser svensk ut.

@sinbach haha! I think I get it why you think it's angry... it's showing the world off. 😂 Hope you find a less hostile tree than that... for instance in Röros. 😉

Tanja boosted


Viruses ALWAYS become more easily transmitted and less virulent.


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