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@Berrybunchfamily Here is a song for you - you can take it both literally and symbolically. Breathe in the healing presence of the Lord!

Tanja boosted

ALWAYS follow the science, because today - unlike before - there isn't a profit motive.

Tanja boosted

Vax question - please help!
I work remotely 1,000+ miles from my company's office.

They are encouraging us to fill out religious exemption forms instead of send proof of vax.

But the religious exemption form has 9 invasive questions like, "have you ever gotten a vaxx before?" and, "how would this vaxx prohibit your expression of religion?"

SO INVASIVE! Why do they need to know this when the only thing I'm breathing on all day is my plants????

What would you do? Fake a vaxx card? Give them all your personal information on the exemption form? Quit? Be fired?

Tanja boosted

Found this in my phone. Can't remember who said it...

"Believer, Jesus loves each and every one of us equally, but He can only trust you in proportion to your obedience. It's one thing to say 'Jesus loves me'. It's another thing to say 'Jesus trusts me'.
You want to walk in His power? You want to be a mighty weapon in the hand of the Father with which He brings destruction to the kingdom of darkness? Then He has to be able to trust you."

Tanja boosted

One of the most amazing people I have ever met. It was an honor to help tell her story. You and you church will NOT want to miss Mariam Ibraheem when she tells her story.

Tanja boosted

I feel utterly dreadful. We've prayed against the virus in our home and bodies, to leave.

But God is still good, and while I have breath in my lungs I will yet praise Him...even if my lungs aren't in quite the happy place I'm used to!

I decided it's time to start seeing some improvements in our health....9 days in...I'm gonna keep hoping we're on the upward trend not the downward trend...

Tanja boosted

@KarlGessler thankyou.

we're all still utterly dreadful. Energyless. Lifeless.

Seeing the boys so low is horrible.

Jo and I have a proper nasty taste in our mouths, which makes eating anything without feeling more sick a huge obstacle

Can't taste anything either. Its a bizarre situation!

We are all up today (yesterday I couldn't find the strength to get out of bed) although today I've had a shower and a tiny bit of scrambled egg...the most I've eaten in a couple of days

Tanja boosted

Good morning! Breakfast outdoors made on the campfire is wonderful. And the birds are singing in November! I didn’t sleep much (read my last post), but I feel refreshed after breathing fresh air all night.

I've been trying to fall asleep for 3 hrs in a sleeping bag in the middle of a dark forest together with ten other persons in a tent. It's close to zero degrees celsius outside, but we have a stove with a chimney in the tent, so it's warm. This might sound a little crazy, but in my age living a middle class life I don't want to get too comfortable, so I need to challenge myself. My grandparents were fighting the mighty Soviet army in The Winter War during WW2, in record cold winter with -40°C, to protect the independence of Finland. There are not many hardships that can be compared to that.

Tanja boosted

@MaryMamuzich the headache is shocking. My latest one lasted nearly 24 hours, with no let up, and pain killers did nothing

I hadn't heard about DuckDuckGo before @sinbach wrote about it on the BTJ website. Thanks for the tip! Now I use it as my default search engine and browser.

Tanja boosted

Here is a great article that just came out on the problems with one of the clinical trials of the jab. It is a good one to send doctors who still think everything is on the up and up.

Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial

I don't know if this is correct... just found it in the feed. Finnish used to be the most common second language in Sweden until recently, but now it's Arabic. Interesting indeed that Polish is the second most common language in Great Britain!

Tanja boosted

Grateful for the prayers. Steven a little ill, Nathan ok, Peter is cold and has a mild headache.

Jo and I barely able to leave the bed (I really don't like hanging around in a bed!). Pain killers finally reducing my headache. We're exhausted, and we can't think straight.

On the plus side I woke up today without the odd sensation in my lungs that I've had for the past few days....can't describe ii verh well...perhaps like a cold pain? That's now gone, thankfully!

25th wedding anniversary plans now killed off, which is the least of our issues.

Andy B

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