Please consider praying for my wife Sharon (76) has upr jaw cancer surgery January 3. , then left cancerous kidney removed January 18. We are blessed with wonderful medical help and detection of cancer not known, then short time to removal surgery! God is blessing .. however your prayers are coveted.. it will be traumatic and the surgeons do there part but God is the healer! We both trust our savior Jesus & ask a His loving care! CONTENTS OF CHEMTRAILS FROM A DOCTOR WHO WORKED FOR THE MILITARY #chemtrails
This is very disturbing. I have been shocked to hear repots that Mastodon is flooded with child porn 😯
I found these links from people on the fediverse who posted them to substantiate this:
@holistic There was a video about the Canadian government spraying chemtrails during the Freedom Convoy in Canada a while back. I posted about a several months ago, but because I offended someone on here because the OP used some colorful language I got berated for it. I was more intrigued that Trudeau would blatantly do it for all to see. Nanotech and chemical pesticides is part of the reason why our crop yields are down and bees are dying off. "Thefinaldays" channel on youtube speaks to the topic of chemtrails. HERE IT IS YOU NEED A QR CODE TO GET INTO WHOLE FOODS IN DC AND CA. #qrcode
@paga4 I thought big bro closed P Stan's channel. I watch his content on bitchute and rumble.
It begins 👁️👁️
Are you in denial? 🙈
😴 Asleep? 💤
🙏 Pray where you should live.🌏
Look at China and you will see where this is going.
👮Goverment Digital money 🏦 and vaccine passports are headed your way.🕵️
G20 Leaders Agree to Global Vaccination Passport System: 'Where Will It End?'
"The vaccine passports could be paper or a digital code or an app that records and displays the user's health information, including COVID-19 vaccination status. Digital health passports would involve a scannable code similar to an airline boarding pass. Then tracking and tracing apps could monitor the user's movement and their interactions with other people. The app would even issue a warning if the user moves outside of the quarantine zone."
Our city in China is locking down many areas. Lock downs in China are harsh and direct. Our friends door has had alarms installed on it so that if they open their door to go out, it will ring and notify their community and police. This is quite common. So far our city has handled lock downs fairly well compared to other ones where massive food shortages occurred.
Please pray for:
- our family and our sons family who lives nearby
- the elderly - it brings back memories of the Great Starvation days where they suffered greatly
- Christians to use these hard days to share Gods love with each other and those who are not saved yet!
We are preparing and getting ready! With vision and purpose while living in China! God be Glorifed
Follower of Yeshua