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Yay! Christmas 😍 sale is here!

also... to check if you have the gift of tongues interpretation ask me for a Polish version called "Fufusiowe Opowieści: Odwaga do bycia posłusznym".

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Tymoteusz boosted

"Then Jesus said to his disciples: 'Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.' " -Luke 12:22-23 🚫😰🍞🧥

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Tymoteusz boosted
Tymoteusz boosted

saw these for first time in Washington DC today.
So thankful.
I now expect everyone to begin referring to me as "award winning documentarian."

1.5 $ per liter of diesel at my place. 50 cents up since last year. How is it in your places?

"A man who loves, because he has obtained his freedom through the truth of God, is the greatest revolutionary on earth." Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We've spent 2 days on contemplating the life of this Godly General trying to learn as much as possible for the days we live in and the days that are comming.

Do you know what was one of the first things that hitler managed to manipulate the German church to do? Segregating of the German believers from the Jewish believers...

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@sinbach My wife and I burned through the Chasing Revival Series. We loved it!

This weekend we will go to city of Szczecin where in 1935-1937 Dietrich Bonhoeffer was running a preacher seminar. Just before all hell went loose...
A lot of Brothes and Sisters will come to pray and lsiten to the lectures.
Our topic?
"Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Practical Lesson of Resistance for the Time of the Antichrist".
Why i mention this here?
I believe that personal character presented by Dietrich during the pre ww2 years is something we could all benefit from Today.

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Asking for prayer for a baby girl who doctors say won't survive the night. Her mother is a teen who was raped by her own father and the baby has many medical problems. Her name is Diana, please pray 🙏

This is a really good time to pray for all the people that suddenly got disconnected from Facebook and have some more space for thinking and contemplating life and death.

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We had sooo much going on in our lives lately that we've barely had time for each other. But today, we could just relax, and go for a nice walk, all 3 of us 😍

Something is happening:
Polish government is putting a cash payment limit - a consumer will be able to pay with cash only up to 5000 USD (to a single company).
Another way of controlling the cashflow in society... how soon this will affect the cashflow from Poland to the mission field?

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