@raymondthebrave no. the keys go over the internet, too.
He called for the older men of the church. When they arrived, he told them..Now i am compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem knowing that prison and hardship face me there, and i will never see you again. Nevertheless, i have not hesitated to tell you the whole will of God. Now guard yourselves and the whole flock which the Spirit of God has entrusted to you and made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God which he bought with his own blood. Because..
I know after i leave savage wolves will come in even from among yourselves not sparing the flock, devouring them. They will distort the truth, and draw away disciples after themselves. So, watch out!. Remember for 3 years i never stopped warning you day and night w/tears. Now, i commit you to God and the Word of his grace. They all knelt down and prayed and cried and hugged and kissed him because they would never see him again. After we had torn ourselves away, we set sail.
@raymondthebrave NSA has access to those encryption programs cuz they go over the internet.
@Spdypat1 blessings
@Rinati blessings.
@Asianking @Matthias yes, asianking. anything that goes through the internet and corporate phone lines can easily be intercepted and decoded, and these communications to and from the U.S. are all filtered through the NSA complexes. it would be beautiful to use their satellites, infrastructure, etc. to send personally encryptes messages, but that process is very difficult requiring constant dynamic work and vigilance.
@Olamide 😂
@KarMarJo57 yes. that's what some trustworthy Followers of Christ said, and i repeat it fully convinced. I don't say it lightly. They also set Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Stalin, and others up, most of whom were faithful to their cause to the end. This is one of the reasons i posted the videos.
@Matthias Well...I would say, off the top of my head, if you're about 14 or older you should probably start taking responsibility for your actions whether you're on Ding Dash or in a public restroom. However, if you're under 14 years old (approximately) you might consider consulting your parents for their advice. The internet has been around for a while now. Good luck!
@Asianking @Matthias lol
@Matthias Are you over 14?
Please pray for my hand! I have a new baby, and my arm has a pinched nerve from the birth. I really need my hand to function again! @FIREBRAND can you fwd this to your prayer warriors?
@sinbach cut a steak outta it
@KarMarJo57 @sinbach He was a good RC
@SeaDiamonds @Olamide i love listening to Ever Increasing Faith.. those testimonies about how God used dear brother Smith
I've been irritating hypocrites in the churches in the U.S. for years. "Come out of her, my people" -Jesus Christ