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heart breaking to consider that abortion is its own modern industry.

@jezzadiah4messiah refreshing to hear many clear minded people speaking out

@sinbach the Gospel is exploding, as well as the fashion in China

Highly recommend Operation World app for anyone that doesn’t have it. Beats carrying a huge book around!

Christian boosted

so it happened... Russia is invading Ukraine, please pray.

'Christ's poverty was so great, that he was born in another man's house, and buried in another man's tomb.'

— John Boys

@Lindseyay looks like after your post about Jesus and coffee you were upgraded to ninja level. Is that part of the ding dash algorithm?

Christian boosted

Asking for prayer for a baby girl who doctors say won't survive the night. Her mother is a teen who was raped by her own father and the baby has many medical problems. Her name is Diana, please pray 🙏

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