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I ask those God would call to pray for healing for my 76 yr old wife Sharon! Kidney cancer removed! Upr gum/tooth /mouth roof area stage 2 cancer removed.. ( praise God) Radiation treatments commence Monday the 6 th! For endurance & healing!

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Day 5 of not being allowed to leave our home. I think about 70% of Beijing is probably on lockdown. But I hear grocery stores are being emptied wherever people are actually allowed out of their homes.

Beijing has 1800 new cases today and that’s huge for here. The days ahead will be interesting.

They come to our home each day to do covid test while on this lockdown. It feels surreal.

Christian boosted

I’ve been visiting a 90 year old lady that lives near me. When I first met her she was new to the area and very lonely. She’s originally from Spain and raised as Catholic. She has a wonderful strong Spanish accent. She wanted things to read so I brought her the Heavenly Man and a few other Missionary autobiographies. She read them and seemed impressed by them. She did say she didn’t believe in the inerrancy of the Bible so I brought her one on that but she hasn’t read it. Finally yesterday I asked what she thought of the books I’ve given her and she said she didn’t believe they were true. She thinks the authors didn’t tell the truth about their lives. We talked some and I found that she thinks that my relationship with God is a mistake of belief if that makes sense! From what I understand she thinks you can’t have a personal relationship with God.Her name is Carmen I’d appreciate if you would pray for her.

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This is a sad day for Finland. 😢 A transgender law was accepted today which allows men/female couples to have children as being the childs only parents. Also the definition of "mother" and "father" is going to change. A biological woman giving birth to a child can now be the father of the child. So crazy!!

If Italy is going through a punishment of God, so will be the case for Finland too. We are today stepping aside from God's blessings and shelter with this law that violates His standards and creation. 🥶😭 God have mercy on us!! 🙏

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Aftermath of Terrorists shooting at a
Catholic church in South West Nigeria this Pentecost Sunday. Injured were rushed to hospital....these are those shot dead .
Viewer discretion is advised as the video contains graphic contents

@yashuafreak is this accurate that guns were controlled or not allowed in all these countries? I know first hand that guns are very common and prevalent in North Korea, but that’s mainly because they have one of the largest standing armies in the world.

@Knittinggrace i understand your reasoning, but I do believe that it is a matter of conscience before God who knows the heart. I know Christians that have understood Gods will for them to be in the communist party in China. Calling out idolatry in the body of Christ is right, but assuming that your conscience is the standard for another persons associations- in life- I don’t think that is our place.

@tanjaostman I like the approach to making the film- not just getting a bunch of like minded people to sit around and agree with each other but also reach out to another culture and discuss the concept- that’s a pretty interesting way to frame it.

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Urgent help needed in Bangladesh! 57 dead and two million displaced. Tens of thousands homeless. BTJ sending aid to our missionary partners now

@Knittinggrace I understand where you are coming from, but it is the faith she taught by her mother, was served by faithful missionaries and supported through the most challenging times of her life. We all come from flawed church backgrounds, and we stand or fall before our Lord eventually. So I don’t know that I would call Mariam to repent just for where she has come from.

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Still on lockdown.
A few of you have asked if we are ok. Yes we are pressing on and keeping our eyes on Jesus. 🦋

But it truly living on pins and needles!

One of the best war films is from Russia : Ivan’s Childhood

Talk about underground house church. It was pretty serious back in the day. Pretty cool archeological find in Turkey :

@Birgit it depends on the area, but yes some places are being really extreme like this.

@sinbach wow they had railing in China 52 years ago? Or is it Hong Kong?

@tanjaostman seems like quite a polished and well funded film.hadn’t heard of it

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