
Hey everyone!!

Super busy week has meant I’ve not been on here as much this last week 🙈. How’s everyone’s week so far??

@Lindseyay busy, busy, but last. We've got one more day to our working week though...

@Berrybunchfamily busy is good when busy is productive 😃. Have to say I’m ready for Saturday though! Lol

@Lindseyay busy productive on Monday and Tuesday. Less productive in Wednesday. I was head banging my computer keyboard on Thursday. And today I've created a new function on our website that I've never before managed to get working...we can now provide a newsletter :-)

@Lindseyay doing well! My puppy was spayed yesterday so today I'm trying to keep her quiet and calm!! It's so hard for a puppy that usually is bouncing off the walls! It's quite cold and cloudy today so DD and a good book is all I need... And a cup of tea!

@MaryMamuzich awwww what kinda puppy do you have? I really love dogs!! What book are you reading? Also…. Really important question (important to a Yorkshire girl anyway 🤣) what type of tea do you drink??

@Lindseyay my puppy, Sally, is a Rat Terrier mix. Super sweet! I just finished Eugene's new book and now I'm reading, Biblical Psychology by Oswald Chambers, I live his books. As for tea... I love so many! I'm kinda hooked on Lady Gray right now. I want to someday visit Yorkshire!

@MaryMamuzich @Lindseyay Have you ever tried Pu'Erh? That's been my favorite tea for the past several years.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Lindseyay I haven't even heard of it! I also plan on buying some of the BTJ teas...I have a shelf full of teas in my pantry I need to use up or donate.

@MaryMamuzich @Lindseyay I think BTJ might have it🙂
Tea doesn't sit around long in our house. We enjoy a variety of types and flavors, and love trying new ones.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @MaryMamuzich not heard of this one either!! Starting to think I need to broaden my tea horizon 🙈😂

@MaryMamuzich ooooh great book choices!! I’ve not tried Lady Gray, I’ll have to give it a go! It’s honestly not me waving the flag for Yorkshire BUT Yorkshire Tea I’d definitely my favourite 😂

@Lindseyay what are they called? What brand? What's your favorite?

@MaryMamuzich it’s literally called Yorkshire tea lol. It’s my favourite (non fruit) tea 😋

@Lindseyay I love that, " Let's have a proper brew"!! I'll see if I can order it. Thank you.

@Lindseyay I like the picture on the box. I loved the All creatures great and small book that speaks of Yorkshire. I want to see it so badly!

@MaryMamuzich @Lindseyay I read those as a kid🙂 My wife needs to do some tea parties at church to burn through her collection. We'll never drink it all before it gets old!

@Lindseyay quite an interesting week. From a much younger woman showing a romantic interest in me to spiritual warfare. Its all happening. And no, I havent responded to her advances.

@Lindseyay another exciting week!!!
Just called a friend to confirm where he is hiding, as there is police case filed against him. However he is not that lucky, some people who are sick (I mean physically ill) 'hijacked" 😀 him for prayers.

I tried to sleep, but too excited about 5 mentoring programs that are beginning next week.
Too much into Coffee , if I give my blood for test, they will find more coffee than blood.

Staying closer to family for 2 weeks another Blessing!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter that definitely sounds like a more exciting week than mine!!! 😂😂. Preaching to the converted on the coffee front. They say our bodies are 60% water…. I reckon I’m 30% water 30% coffee!! lol

@Lindseyay and you and me have a heavy responsibility upon our shoulders, I mean ..Cups. convincing the world that 50% of world's hunger challenge can be solved by introducing coffee to the Rich.
Simple logic....the coffee will melt the hearts of the rich towards the poor. You think about it, while I finish my coffee 🤣🤣🤣

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter genius…. That’s what it is… genius!! ☕☕☕😂

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