Is it wrong for a Christian to get a tattoo?


@bethany Super interesting, I expected there to be more of a lean towards tattoos being evil. I would never have expected it to be so close.

@StevenBerry I actually wasn't sure which way it would lean, but I'm with you in that I thought there would be a strong majority. Who knew! I guess it's a divided subject

@bethany @StevenBerry I am blown away that people do not like tatoos that much that they consider it to be a Biblical issue. I personally do not have any tats (yet) but that is because I am not a fan and they cost money. when i grow old and fat, I might get a few just to give myself something else to look at in the mirror besides my out of shape potato shaped body.

@sinbach @bethany @StevenBerry LOL!!! So... how many tats will that take? 🤷
I don't have any and never will.... Or maybe when I get old & fat I'll get one - a big bowl of jello on my tummy.

@sinbach @bethany @StevenBerry ha ha! I’m not a fan of tats but that sounds entertaining!

@speakthetruth @bethany @StevenBerry I believe that you are referring to Lev 19:28 perhaps? That is the verse right between telling us not to trim our hair on the sides or round off the corners of our beards and not to sell our daughters as prostitutes. The actual verse says not to cut our flesh for dead or print any marks upon you. I believe that this is in direct relation to Ba'al worship as was the practice of that time - because otherwise Jesus with his flesh wounds and Holocaust Jews with their number tattoos would have been a problem. Those that believe tats are bad based on this one verse should not def not get tattoos, but I would caution judging those that have them, for it is not the outward part of man that defiles him, but what is in his heart that determines the condition of his soul.
hope that helps clarify my own personal opinion on the matter.

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