@sinbach So... Are you flying to China??
I would not want this testing job! Could you image the nightmares?
This world just keeps getting crazier!! That's nuts to put ppl through such abuse.

@MaryMamuzich umm...I would. this would not stop me. my wife and youngest son are there now and I am here in the Middle East. I will have to take a rain check on my swabbing, but perhaps they wait for me. ....and your right. I feel sorry for the tester more than the testee.

@sinbach you're a family guy through and through! I also would have it just to get to my family.
But, seriously, is this virus that deadly to take such awful actions? I think not.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this.... Plz no pic posting!! 🤣

@MaryMamuzich no pic posts! haha. Mary - you are getting to know me too well. hahaha

@sinbach your wife is my hero!
Actually, I grew up with 5 brothers... I enjoy your humor.

@MaryMamuzich ah-ha - there it is! grew up with house full of brothers. Now it makes soooo much sense. Same with my wife - she ONLY had brothers, so she too understand - but that does not stop her from trying to stop me from saying many things I that think out loud. in public. while ministering.
Good wives often do that sort of thing.....

@sinbach I also have 2 sisters. Years back my oldest sister and I were catching grasshoppers for fishing while my other sister was getting ready for a date.
I'd love to meet your wife. Muscles upon determination keeping you inline.

@Jhayward no - unfortunately he did not have the pleasure of seeing me this time around. 😎

@sinbach What a terrible thing to imagine! To inflict such humiliation is just cruel. 😦

@sinbach This should give us more than a hint as to where this COVID nonsense is going.

This is beyond absurd, this is beyond humiliation. This is some sick twisted kind of control garbage. So inhumane.
Death to the Chinese Nazi Party!

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