
I usually laugh at frantic parents searching for their adult kids.
They are adults - they are fine!
However, my youngest didn't answer his phone for 24 hours yesterday and I couldn't sleep for 2 nights. This morning I woke up - called every friend, venue, and University employee I could to connect. I sent my son texts, emails, and social media messages. I was frantic. My wife and I walked the floors praying out loud. When my son finally saw his phone, he thought something horrible happened because of all the messages and phone calls he missed.
I will never laugh at a worried parent again.

@sinbach he probably thought someone had died when he saw all your calls and messages!

@bethany he called me freaking out himself. "Dad what's going on!"
then I had to explain. so nice to hear his voice.

@bethany yes!
of course I say this having only called my parents maybe once or twice a year for the last 27 years.
and they have reasons to worry.

@sinbach I remember being in the Philippines and I didn't contact my parents for a whole month. I felt so terrible when I finally realised.
So noted... I'll do my best to not follow your example

@bethany nooooo! not my example. follow Minnas example! she calls her parents almost every day.

@sinbach which is why I said I would NOT follow your example 😂 There's no way every day is going to happen. I'll aim for once a week...

@sinbach @bethany That's wonderful! I don't talk with my parents every week, but my parents, siblings, and I have a group chat where we stay connected on a relatively frequent basis. It's nice to be able to send short videos or voice recordings or interesting links, etc.
My grandma used to call from time to time, just to chat. She passed away around 13 years ago. I wish I had valued those calls more! She was such a dear lady. I didn't realize that one day I would wish I could speak her, but those days would be gone here on earth.

@bethany @sinbach Yeah, I can't remember when the last time was I called my parents... My Mom calls and talks to Tam about once a day though.

@tanjaostman on one day, because of the time change, I called too early on a day when he had no morning classes so he didn't answer. then he was with his Christian frat group Kai Alpha the entire next day and night for a special event with his phone in his bag. Because of several factors I couldn't reach him during a time when he was expected to be actively comming with me and I got a really bad gut like a really annoying frantic dad (the kind I find disgusting) I started freaking out and imagining the worse. stupid me for falling for the enemy's tricks.

@sinbach a lessons learned for both dad and son (?). 😊 But your story tells me how much you love and care about him. The tricky thing with the gut feeling... I can't trust mine when it comes to my son. In other cases it works a little better.

@sinbach been there done that!! I now do it with my mom! She is 91. AND!!! My granddaughter is 19and loves driving in the mountains. Last year she got stuck in the snow and walked midnight!!! Crazy girl! No fear in that girl!.... sometimes no sense either🤣🤣

@bethany she is a sweetheart! Full of adventure! Takes after her Mom and Gramma! But!!! I always told someone where I was going!!

@sinbach Ill refrain from commenting since mine are still at home... at least for a little while yet

@sinbach Sometimes it takes a day for my boy to respond but I’m used to it now. But he is 30.

@sinbach been there, done it…still do…they’ll always be our “babies”

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