Some BerryBunch News and a non video blog post...
This is something of an FYI (For Your Information) really: as I’m typing this I currently have no voice and my brain is slightly foggy so I’m not at most efficient either!
There’s also a few prayer requests at the bottom.
If there was a relevant message for us all here, it’s simply that Jesus withdrew in order to rest, and this is something we need to regularly do too.
If Jesus did it, we really need to do the same.
Andy B
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S02E005, Snakes and Sticks - Dave Unleashed
Once again Dave the Dog is unleashed and, once again, he gets up to his usual funny antics, even though Peter is on hand trying to keep him on track.
In Dave Unleashed you are treated to a Dave the Dog Story Time and Art Time with JoJo. And Dave encourages us to watch the art time again and get our “Art on!”
The BerryBunch
Watch Dave Unleashed -->
#TestimonyTuesday – A Recent Healing Miracle
I’ve been struggling with Atrial Fibrillation for a while. I wont’ bore you with the details, but it isn’t much fun. At the heart of the matter is, well the heart! And, in the most general terms there is atrial fibrillation, and there is mild atrial fibrillation.
When the heart goes into A Fib, it simply doesn’t beat in a regular rhythm. Severe means your heart may be beating at 220 beats per minute and you need a hospital, rapidly! And I’ve had that severe kind, twice – last time in November 2021: I was in the inner part of A & E (ER) for more than 15 hours, hooked up to many machines just in case.
When you’re surrounded by multiple doctors (and barely a nurse in sight) you know it’s not great! It should be said, however, that while it is bad, it is not quite ‘that’ bad – as you’re likely to feel awful, but you’re not likely to die from it – not at my age anyway…[READ THE REST AT OUR WEBSITE]
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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 07.02.23
Jesus stopped.
We should too!
It’s good to take a regular pause through the day to hush and pause – and to check in with God. What might God say to us if we let Him?
Andy B
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S05E053, Best Laid Plans, Andy B 2 Minute Video
There’s a rather crude phrase in the UK about how P&*$ Poor Planning Produce P*£% Poor Performance. (You can interpret those symbols for whatever works best for your innocence!)
The basic point is simply that if we don’t put in the effort to plan something, it’s likely to go wrong. And planning poorly usually results in poor outcome.
As humans, as parents, as friends, as children, as employers and employees we’re regularly planning something. Even if it’s our next break for a cup of tea!
Meanwhile, never planning for anything is a very bad idea on a number of levels. But, it is also a bad idea not to plan so much you’ve sorted the next thirty years of your life, without considering how you’re gonna do it.
We can dream that dream house. But if it’s on the other side of a ravine, we need to build a bridge first before fitting our bespoke kitchen units an...[READ MORE] ...
Watch the Video on our website:
S06E008, It Is What It Is, Endurance
Steven and Nathan are back with Endurance after a bit of a break, and they are using the expression ‘it is what it is’ to talk about accepting what is.
Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!
In this GoDeeper, Steven talks largely about accepting what is. He begins by pointing out that in order to change you have to first accept where you are at, and he gives an example from his own life.
Then he discusses those things in life that don’t change even after much prayer. The apostle Paul had some experience of that, which Steven unpacks from 2 Corinthians 12. The other point that he makes is that we need to accept the past because we definitely can’t change that.
He concludes with a passage of Scripture from Ecclesiastes.
Steven and Nathan
Watch on our website -->
S03E008, The Silver Lining, Family Prayer Time
Psalm 12
Peter and JoJo have returned to encouraging us to pray as a family by using the Psalms. They start off with Psalm 12.
Peter and JoJo read out loud all eight verses of this psalm and encourage us to do the same as a family. In the first half David despairs at the growing number of wicked people, and in the second half he praises God’s goodness.
JoJo points out how we should be like David who is honest to God about his feelings, and thoughts, but always ends up praising God and knowing God is in charge.
Jo Jo and Peter
Watch on our website --> - our regular, weekly, radio show as the BerryBunch
Family Focus happens 3 til 6pm UK every Sunday...and our last half hour is music designed to get your vicar energised for the evening church service (or listen again at your leisure 😉 )
S05E052, How Many Fingers From Disaster? Andy B 2 Minute Video
Watch the video on our website -->
In the Film series, Ice Age, there is little sabre tooth squirrel. He always gets so close to being to safeguard his precious nuts, when disaster strikes. If I’m honest he’s my favourite character because he never gives up trying. Everything gets thrown at him. And, yet, he just picks himself up and gets going again.
Sure, he suffers some typically calamitous disasters that requires the odd bit of hospital treatment.
But, he keeps going! [READ MORE]
Andy B
Website Launch Countdown – 4 days to go
We’ve got a brand New website name coming your way for the Brand New website. We couldn’t get rid of our roots – will still get you to our home on the internet, just as it always did.
We’re changing how we use Social Media (including WordPress). At the moment we post videos all over the place! But, from 1st February, we’ll be pointing you to our website to watch the videos there – this will be better for you as the videos will be presented, and looking, their very best for you. Downloading videos for later use gets super simple too! This makes Andy B SUPER happy!
Our newsletter will get a boost with the new website – make sure to sign up to that (we’ll let you know when you can) and you’ll always be up to date with everything we’re up to.
Website Launch Countdown – 5 days to go
We’re not just throwing a bit of paint on something to make it look fresh – this is much bigger than that, and all of it is down to God’s equipping and guiding of us.
If it were a car it would mean we’re getting a new chassis, a new engine, new seating, new styling – but it’ll still have a steering wheel, and the five of us in it. However it should now get us to our destination much more easily and enable us to worry less about whether the car will break down again anytime soon, and to enjoy the journey much more!
Website Launch Countdown – 7 days to go
We’ve worked really hard since the start of December sorting it all out.
We’ve updated web links and details on nearly 1,400 posts, more than 730 videos, over 350 Podcast episodes and everyone has been updated – sometimes twice (as necessary) – with details updated, mistakes found and corrected. It’s been useful, and not a little cathartic too – as we find very old errors that we had somehow missed before.
The BerryBunch
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Well, the time has finally come - we've got an official launch date for our new website, 1st February!!!
Find out more about what you can expect!
Andy B
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Work on the new website is coming along really well. So here's a brief update. 😁
We're missing making new video content, but with covering the Breakfast Show on Konnect Radio we're glad of the change in our usual routine on top of all the work for the new website, which made covering the usual host doable.
A change is as good as a rest, and we had a blast with those 7-10am weekday slots.
Dave the Dog is missing recording too, but he'll be back doing some more story times from this coming Saturday - for our regular 3-6pm Sunday show on Konnect Radio.
And I'm taking two days of proper down time, just munching chocolate hob nobs, drinking early grey tea (sitting by our roaring log burner) and deliberately doing nothing much else except a drive to the sea to drink from a flask and watch the waves crash against the beach.
Andy B
#chilling #relaxing #berrybunchfamilyfive #hanging #update #radio #story #earlgreytea #chocolatehobnobs #timeoff #workhardplayhard
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch