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Another post from Andy B's personal website.

"Frying Pan Faith and Cleaning"

This post has got very little to do with frying pans or cooking because it’s all about how much effort we want to go through effecting change in our lives...[READ MORE]...

S05E064, Stronger Doesn't Mean Better, Andy B 2 Minute Video

There was a built bridge. It was over a river, but they knew that there were some pretty fierce so it was decided, using the best knowledge available, to make that bridge SUPER strong - it was so solid they knew it would never struggle against the winds.

Until the winds came.

Before it really ever got used it had collapsed into the water below...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

S06E011, Even Youths Grow Tired and Weary, Endurance

In this episode of Endurance, Steven and Nathan are looking into the fact that we are not invincible.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

@StevenBerry and @TakeN

S03E011, How to live a blameless life, Family Prayer Time

Peter and JoJo continue to encourage us to pray as a family by reading the Psalms as prayers. This time they read the whole of Psalm 15 which has only 5 verses. Peter points out that Psalm 15 provides bullet points for a godly life.

Peter and JoJo take in turns reading out loud the Psalm one verse at a time and as they do reminding us of how we can live a blameless life, for example by speaking the truth and refusing to gossip.

S03E001, Downtime, Marriage Matters

Andy B and Jo are back for another brand new and improved format of Marriage Matters. In this first episode in this series of Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo take a look at free time within our marriages – noting the importance of investing time with our spouses.

Andy highlights the importance of quality not quantity when it comes to time we have with each other. ..[READ MORE]...

Andy B

60 Second Update, Issue 42

60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos, and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.

The BerryBunch

S05E063, Know Thyself, Andy B 2 Minute Video

If you had to write a biography about yourself what would it say and how easy would you find such an exercise.

God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; that He hand made us on purpose and for a purpose.

So, if you were saying who God had made you to be, how would you go about that?

Andy B

S05E062, On Purpose, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Let’s go somewhere controversial. It shouldn’t be, but it is. So, let’s get this out at the beginning.

Evolution is not true!

It isn’t false because I say it is. Even Charles Darwin stated it was only a theory – and a theory that has never been proven to be true. Actually, the opposite has happened. But, let’s stick to the facts here.

Andy B

E05E061, But I don't want to fight, Andy B 2 Minute Video

It’s easy to jump into the day with a smile on our face and a coffee in our hand. Although I don’t recommend jumping with a coffee in your hand, unless you have a sealed flask that you trust. Then your smile will change and you’ll remember you should have drunk tea instead!

However we start the day – whether we love mornings or loathe them, we all face similar issues, that have nothing to do with how much money we have, whether we work in the home or in an office or on a building site or whether we work at all!

Andy B

S04E001, Let there be light! - Dave Unleashed

Join Dave the Dog in a new series of Dave unleashed – but don’t worry JoJo is there to keep him on track if he strays! As usual, be prepared for Dave’s doggy antics and jokes!

Dave introduces Story time and Art time and finds it difficult to believe that there was a time when there were no dogs!

Dave the Dog and the BerryBunch

S05E060, Praise God, Nuff Said! Andy B 2 Minute Video

Whatever is going on; whatever your life looks like right now; wherever you’ve come from; whatever is looming ahead of you – there is always reason to Praise God!

At the time of recording this video, I am finding myself breathless.

For me, it will pass and is simply the side effect of having my heart medication dropped by 50%. That is a good thing, but it is not a pleasant thing to work through!...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

This video will always be best enjoyed on our website:

S05E059, Accountably Accountable… Andy B 2 Minute Video

We all see change and can get a bit freaked out. Losing control is another one that can make us very uncomfortable.

Perhaps I’m more unique though, because I really do enjoy change! I’m not daft enough to think that some change doesn’t infuriate me. But that’s because a lot of change is utterly unnecessary.

Here’s the thing for those of us who have decided to become Christians – change, and losing control, is at the very core of being a Christian!...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

This video will always be best enjoyed on our website:

S03E010, Only the fool denies God, Family Prayer Time

JoJo and Peter continue reading the Psalms as prayers, encouraging us this time to read the whole of Psalm 14 as a family together; there are only seven verses after all!

Take in turns reading a verse each, have one person read the Psalm or listen to the bible as you remember God is real and will bring justice in the end, awesome!...[READ MORE]...

S06E010, When You Stumble and Fall, Endurance

Nathan and Steven are back! In this episode of Endurance, they are looking at what to do when you make a mistake.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!...[READ MORE]...

Steven and Nathan

@daniel wow....i'm so sorry - praying for peace, and God's hand, for all involved in this

Andy B

Well, that was rough. It’s always hard and emotional when people need to leave the church for life reasons, but this time everyone was in tears. One of the several foster children, taken in by members, is being relocated to his extended family in New York. While normally that is a good outcome, most of us aren’t convinced that it’s true in this case. The government thinks otherwise. Everyone poured out their love on him and prayed for God‘s guidance and protection and said goodbye.

S05E058, Just Keep Swimming! Andy B 2 Minute Video

If you’ve ever watched the film, Finding Nemo - or Finding Dory – you’ll appreciate the fact the Dory, is a small blue fish, is a bit forgetful. She’s also incredibly joyful. And she is also well know for her little song when everything is going horribly wrong and those infamous words,

“Just keep swimming”.

Andy B

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It's me - Andy B - and Peter keeping you company for Saturday breakfast tomorrow morning.

9 til 12pm (UK).

Only on Konnect Radio - listen on the Konnect Radio app, on your computer, on your smart speaker

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