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S05E056, The Goldilocks Honey Ratio, Andy B 2 Minute Video

How do you work out whether something is good for you, or not?

God’s made us with some amazing intelligence, and yet we can be “dumb as a bucket of shrimp” when we allow what people tell us, to over rule what God has already told us.

Of course we should seek medical advice about some things, but it should never over rule our ability to, also, pray and ask God in faith - for a miracle...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

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S05E055, GPS Gone Wrong , Andy B 2 Minute Video

I was out for a walk one day and tracking my exercise on a sports app - I like it because I can see how my heart rate is doing, what my average walking pace is etc. However, on one occasion, when I checked my app, the map was just a horrible mess: imagine a 3 year old with a crayon and lots of sugar, and you’d have what I had on the screen of my mobile phone...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

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S05E057, Pounding Hearts, and Rest, Andy B 2 Minute Video

It’s no fun when you are in a place of deep sleep and are rudely woken at 3am with your heart pounding: this has become my normality too frequently. And, while I’ve been told by my cardiologist to just ignore palpitations - because I know what atrial fibrillation feels like – and carry on as normal, I can’t...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

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Holidays and Faith don’t equal Holidays from Faith

I was once talking with someone about their faith. They told me how their faith naturally developed over time. And, yet, their faith seemed more like that of a first time visitor to a church, amazed by the stained glassed windows and high ceilings, over Jesus having died on a cross for the sin in their life.

Faith has to be actively nurtured and tested, and tested means refined and I’ve never found a refinery which has great parking, and is secreted with lounger chairs and barista quality coffee.

Yes, our relationship with Jesus will grow over time; the Fruit of the Spirit does grow ‘spontaneously’ and without any direct effort on our part – at one level. But it certainly does grow as a direct consequence of our active, and ongoing, relationship with Jesus Christ...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

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@tymektt hey up buddy

How's you?

Aside from annoying heart palpitations that randomly come and go, we're good and back at the BerryBunch after a much appreciated 3 week break.

While we were away on holiday for 3 weeks (yes it was awesome having so much time off in one go) we had some inspiration during the first week. Two of those things are longer term projects I won't be sharing about yet (but am super excited about!) but one I can tell you is already live, and that is a website, just for me.

I love making video resources, but I do miss writing posts too, so this is an outlet for that, as well as being a place that lets me be creative in ways not connected with the BerryBunch.

I'm excited about it, and I haven't done much other than to make it go live!

So, go check it out, sign up to the blog, and you'll be able to know what I'm up to, especially those longer posts I'm aiming to start putting out once a week.

Andy B

After a 3 week holiday the BerryBunch is back at it.

We may have been resting, but God sure doesn't, and for that I'm very glad!

Here's another of our Testimony Tuesday posts, of God's goodness - and how He is very much alive and at work today

Andy B

This was a gift from my youngest son, after our road trip yesterday to an aquarium.

He knows I love penguins and he had decided to find me a penguin 'something' and found this in a gift shop, buying it with his pocket money.

He bought one too - for himself - so we can be penguin buddies 😊

So meet Dave the Penguin...

At least I think he is a Dave. But, whatever name I settle on, he'll live on my desk - next to my computer monitors - to brighten my view 🙂

Andy B

Some BerryBunch News and a non video blog post...

This is something of an FYI (For Your Information) really: as I’m typing this I currently have no voice and my brain is slightly foggy so I’m not at most efficient either!

There’s also a few prayer requests at the bottom.

If there was a relevant message for us all here, it’s simply that Jesus withdrew in order to rest, and this is something we need to regularly do too.

If Jesus did it, we really need to do the same.

Andy B

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@Spdypat1 i had the same thought. i did email BTJ a couple of times, but never got a reply

well I kept going until my family started recovering from their various stages of colds (and the virus @TakeN had which I also managed to miss)

Now I'm in bed with no voice, and a bad head cold. And, right now, I have no voice whatsoever, beyond a hoarse whisper!

But, Praise God because I was able to lead worship yesterday morning at church. And they said we sounded good...which is a miracle...'cos we didn't sound good to us 😆

It was my first time for them, and my first time time doing a normal worship set since we led worship for Amesbury Baptist Church (Wiltshire, UK) when they had been locked out of their building by the Military due to Novichok (so glad we were local back then, and could support them with a PA system we had).

With a really dodgy voice even yesterday morning, I pulled on all 35 years of practicing, and it was a joy to hear the congregation making a joyful noise to the Lord.

Andy B

@daniel he says what people want to know, but would never ask or say...

It's me and Steven covering the breakfast show tomorrow morning, before Steve Legg takes over at 12pm.

9 til 12pm. Only on Konnect Radio.

Andy B

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