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Being flexible is extremely valuable in life, cos nothing ever goes to plan. Yesterday I was unable to get out running, so at the end of the day I went out for a short stroll, and simply enjoyed God's creation. (Can't get the picture right way up)

After such a day of technical issues, we're winding down for the evening. But I can't miss a year marking the life of our daughter, who died when she was 11 weeks old in the womb.

We named her Magdi - she would have been Peter's older sister.

She only lived for a very short time, but she made an impact on us that is lasting lifetimes!

I think of all we've done with BerryBunch and know her legacy, and what she taught us, are tightly connected.

When she died, we made a little Lego model to remember her, with the letter M built in the middle.

This photo, of that Lego model, was taken not long after - when we'd sold our home, to invest in a business that went on to be the last, and final, insurmountable God shaped object that prevented the opening of a lap dancing club.

That Lego model was a daily reminder to live the life we have while we have it, and a motto
"One Life Live It"

Looking forward to meeting her in heaven one day.

Andy B

Looking for prayer. I have some big decisions to make, and changes are inevitable.

We switched to a 7pm time for our weekday Prayer 2:62 but, to be honest, this really isn’t fitting with our family as we’d expected it to do. So, with some pretty big plans for Prayer 2:62 due in a month anyway, we’re gonna put a pause on Prayer 2:62 for now.

Our intention, God willing – when we change things up a bit – will be with a return to our previous time of 4pm, but with some exciting additions in the form of a prayer vlog/journal from Peter, and the wonderful Jo Jo and Peter creating a weekly Family Prayer Time video/idea to inspire you in your own situation. You can look at ones we’ve done previously here -

We don’t like having to cancel, and the time really isn’t working for us as we had planned for it to do.

So we’ll restart back on Monday 5th July for more Prayer 2:62.

The BerryBunch

today is filming day for Endurance..........and i'm sat reinstalling the graphics card software...because the last driver update causes systems to crash! at least i know it isn't my computer or our hardware...still, we've lost almost an entire day!


feeling down? scroll through DingDash...brightens my day every time!!!


Andy B

A quote on Holiness:
"Above all, we must realize that holiness is more than a doctrine, or a theory or even an experience. It is Jesus Himself."

By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 1 John 3:16

My latest Andy B 2 Minute Video - all on Projection, Reality and Giant Spiders

If you’re not a fan of giant spiders, read on!

This is kind of, all about, the very opposite of giant spiders, as Andy B looks at how projected images distort reality!

So where in our lives, are we fearing something terrifying and monstrous – when it is really just a projected image making something look bigger than it really is?

Andy B

no spiders were harmed in the making of this mini video ;-)

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me.
My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.
Psalm 28:7

That's a cue to turn the volume up on the worship on Spotify!😁

I don't usually get quite so excited about website stuff, but our website is no longer what it was when we started, which is great!

Our oldest son @StevenBerry came up with a better approach to the front page - which is now live. Now the front page finally reflects more of who and what we are!

With some quality photo assistance from middle son @TakeN the images came to life (and a little computer assistance for our newly dedicated green screen).

We had a fun time making those first two images 🙂 and hope this comes through all we do...especially Dave the Dog, our latest project.

Also, thanks mainly to some timely and godly inspiration by @DevotionalTreasures we finally have a proper name for all the regular videos we're making, and BerryBunch TV was born (albeit a year after it came to be.......)

I've included a couple of photos from the front page...

Andy B


more of a name change to a section of the website and photo than anything else, but we didn't know how to name that section of the website!

so it's a step on the right direction - thanks for the inspiration!

about to redo the home page after an idea from our oldest............that's exciting all of us as I work on it!

Andy B

If you're not a fan of giant spiders, read on!

This is kind of, all about, the very opposite of giant spiders, as Andy B looks at how projected images distort reality!

So where in our lives, are we fearing something terrifying and monstrous - when it is really just a projected image making something look bigger than it really is?

Andy B

Good morning DingDash! After an extended weekend I went back to my morning walks 🤩 I pray that you guys will thrive and overcome whatever situation you are facing right now.

One dead washing machine 😞 and we were just getting our finances sorted after moving in February! Oh well..........

We're currently very grateful for Amazon pay-over-5-months thingy with no interest!! 😔

Andy B

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! God is bigger than your worst battle! God is greater than your enemies! Come unto Jesus Christ today! Put your trust in Jesus for there is Hope for you!

In Season 4, Episode 3, of Little Blessings Online, Jo and Andy go sheep mad, with sheep pictures, sheepy noises, sheep stories and sheepy songs!

It's sheepy business!

Art Time
For Art time, Jo shows us how to make a woolly sheep.

Story Time
We keep up our theme of sheep with our very own story about a shepherd boy and his troublesome sheep and Dave the Dog joins Jo again. Dave says he stays on the lead when he is around sheep and behaves himself – Good boy, Dave the Dog, who also gets a bit excited about sticks!

The BerryBunch

# sheep # shepherd

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