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Charlie boosted

The definition of freedom is the power to do the will of God. God created us for a purpose, and we will only be free when we fulfill that purpose.

Nobody "allows" us to do God's will. The only question is, "What price am I willing to pay to fulfill my calling?"

Sarah Lu suffered six years in Chinese prisons, including torture, for her faith. She still suffers today through the separation from her family, which she endures for the Gospel. But she is free. Nobody has hindered her worship and obedience to God. This is her story:

Charlie boosted

We have reached episode 100 of Fuel For The Harvest! In recognition of the milestone, this episode is dedicated to all who daily suffer for the name of Jesus and for those who have paid the ultimate price for the sake of the Good News! We share untold stories of believers grappling with their lives on the frontlines.

Charlie boosted

I hadn't heard about DuckDuckGo before @sinbach wrote about it on the BTJ website. Thanks for the tip! Now I use it as my default search engine and browser.

Charlie boosted

Thank you for sending us funds!
Thank you for taking the risk !
Thank you for standing with us!
Thank you for teaching us!
Thank you for the
Feedback from some sessions mentioned above.
3 families, only 1 set of spade and fork.
5 hectares of land, same tools grandparents used.

Strange and unbelievable stories!!!
The primary need is not 'more dollars ' for more ministry.
Breaking the curse of , cycle of paying .

Solid teaching in the Word of God, helping them to have a personal relationship with God.
The journey continues, thank you for your prayers.
(Representative pictures from open source)

Anyone who cares about the Church is noticing it: young people just don't seem to be staying in the church. It's a concerning trend. More and more of those who have grown up in the church are leaving and not coming back. Why is this happening? In this episode, we discuss some of our theories and offer some feedback on how we may be able to turn the trend around.

Charlie boosted
Charlie boosted
Charlie boosted

Joined an underground meeting of about 25 people today. The Holy Spirit came down during 10 hours of crazy fellowship.
I didn't want it to stop!

Charlie boosted

9 new Iranians baptized in a special house church meeting!

Charlie boosted


In light of your podcast with @bethany when I stumbled on this I thought of you

This is pretty distressing reading and very blunt - "Men will be absent from church by 2028 at the current rate" and the departure of men is, according to statistics anyway, "speeding up"

It states Mentioned that men are increasingly not applying to be priests/vicars/ministers etc

Church attendance in the UK has dropped by 50% since 1950, and "has become a place by women for women"

Also, that two thirds of the UK Christian populations do not attend a church.........

Those few quotes made me re-read them several times!

Charlie boosted
Charlie boosted
Charlie boosted

Hallelujah! We are safe!
Thank you for your prayers.
One of our disciple mentoring location has poisonous snakes.
We cannot risk putting too many lights at night, which will atract the attention of enemies of the Gospel.
So far 2 poisonous snakes 'suffered heavy damage to their bodies '.😷🙄🤔😁😁😁😁
It is possible that some of our disciples let the stick they carry around, fall on the snakes.🙈🙈🙈😁
(Who wants to pay hefty fines or risk going to jail for protecting themselves against harmful creatures)🙏
Please continue to pray for the safety of team members as they crisscross the Nation carrying tools and resources.

Charlie boosted
Charlie boosted
Charlie boosted

"While I was wallowing in self-pity, there was a whole world with literally billions of people who had no idea who God is, how amazing He is, and the wonders He has done for us. They are the ones who are really suffering. They don't know the message of the gospel.
But now I knew what it meant to follow God. Now I had found Jesus.
And all suffering is worth it to follow Jesus. He is that amazing."

This has easily become one of my favourite books I've read this year. Highly recommend for those who haven't read it.

Charlie boosted

While Afghanistan is no longer in the news cycle...Continue to for the remaining in

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