DAY 23 - Pastor Joshua
"People are looking for answers and asking why China is having a revival when they are not. The answer is very simple. The leadership in China is fervently seeking after God in prayer."
Praise to you Almighty and gracious Father.
You have given me hope when there was none.
You have given me strength when my resolve was gone.
You have blessed me with grace and poured your love into my heart through your Holy Spirit, your gift from above.
For your love, grace, forgiveness, salvation, and Spirit I praise you.
Faith in Jesus' precious name. Amen.
God’s love is stronger than the deepest darkness.
A new addition to "Encounters With The Messiah" devotional series, this time about Stephen the first martyr for Christ.
Almighty God, my Abba Father, I trust you with my life.
I offer it to you as a living sacrifice to bring you glory and honor.
As I do this, dear Father, I know you are rushing to meet me
with your loving grace and love beyond compare.
I praise Your Holy Name!
Faith through Jesus' name I praise. Amen.
Sin . . .
is the plague, the leprosy, the death of intelligent
infects and poisons all their faculties;
plunges them into the lowest depths of guilt and
pollutes them with a stain . . .
which all the waters of the ocean cannot wash away,
which all the fires of Hell cannot remove;
from which nothing can cleanse them,
but the blood of Christ.
---Edward Payson
#PrayforRuPaul It dawned on me the other day, that power is in the name of Jesus, and Jesus alone. So I decided to pray for Ru Paul, the abominable drag queen. I don't know him, I don't care to know him, except the part of him that God will save. He was born of a mother, he was a little boy, he's God's creation. Imagine the courage it will take Ru Paul to "come out of the closet" with no make up or dress, and proclaim that Jesus saved him. Power is in the NAME of Jesus. I pray that Ru Paul's conversion will glorify His name, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Psalms 108:4-6 TPT
Your love is so extravagant, it reaches higher than the heavens! Your faithfulness is so astonishing, it stretches to the skies!
Lord God, be exalted as you soar throughout the heavens. May your shining glory be seen high above all the earth!
Come to your beloved ones and gently draw us out. Answer our prayer for your saving help. Come with your might and strength, for we need you, Lord !
#Bible #ThePassionTranslation #TPT
Testimony of two Iranian Christians released from Iranian prison.
“But every one of the Israelites went down
to the Philistines to sharpen his plowshare, his mattock, his axe, or his sickle.”
1 Samuel 13:20
We are engaged in a great war with the Philistines of evil.
Every weapon within our reach must be used.
Preaching, teaching, praying, giving—all must be brought into action,
and talents that have been thought too common for service
must now be employed.
--Charles Spurgeon
PRAYER NEEDED: We were driving down the main street in our town here in China, when I saw a man, completely naked IN THE WINTER COLD! He was lifting a very large public metal garbage can and banging it on the ground. We immediately turned our van around to go help.When we got to him there was a crowd of 100+ spectators. Not one helping. Not one in position to help women and children if he ran towards them. Just videoing and laughing. I wept over this afterwards. I walked up to him and saw bruises on his back.He was crouching at the time and was attempting to lift the metal garbage box above him. I immediately told him her was loved and called him a friend. He stoppped. He let me take his cut bleeding hands off the box. Suddenly he sobered up mentally and started to speak English. We only exchanged a few words and the police arrived.he panicked and yelled “please don’t take my life” over and over as they forced him into a police car. Pray for him. For Salvation. For Jesus!
Hebrews 6:10
John 15:5
Retired pastor/teacher to inner city homeless/drug/alcohol addicted.