
It is like losing weight.
We are always looking for ways to lose weight.
Americans spend about $60 billion on dieting.1
We buy pills, shakes, workout videos, exercise
equipment, gym memberships, special foods,
trainers, clothes, special shoes, and download
programs on our watches and phones. Why do
we spend all that money to lose weight? Because
we do not like the easy-to-understand alternative
of moving more and eating less.
When I want to lose weight, I spend hours on
the computer learning more about the latest low carb
fads. I read about all of the latest research
and scientific studies to make sure I am doing the
right thing to lose the most weight.
However, when my veterinarian tells me that
my dog is too fat, I merely cut the amount of food
I give her in her dog bowl.
Guess which one loses weight first? The dog!
@sinbach @Olamide @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @tanjaostman 😂
Copied from a book, Guess who wrote it ?

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