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@sinbach The enemy hates God's good Order. Whether via a Marxist ideology or Western "Rights", he is always desirous of marring, maligning, and removing God's amazing patterns of Gender, Marriage, Maternity, Paternity, and Sexuality. Next on his steppingstones will be creating a thirst for genetic alteration. Whether via Transhumanism (H+), or a Pop-Culture trends (X-men), he will once again attempt to mar the very "seed" under who's heel he is meant to be. Genesis 6 and the "days of Noah" Jesus warned us of.

Did you see that North Korea lobbed up a couple of missiles? Few people noticed and that is a problem.

Tomorrow morning the 26-year-old muslim who unleashed panic on Saturday in Rimini will face a late interrogation due to a delay in finding an interpreter. First, on board a trolley bus, stabbing two female conductors who asked him to show a ticket. And then fleeing on the street and wounding three other people — among them a 6-year-old child — gravely but now out of danger

Member of the Belgian Parliament declares war against against Islamic oppression of women
Hijab demonises the female body & philosophy behind it doesn’t recognise freedom for women
Millions of women are fighting to throw it off, at the risk of their lives, in order to regain their freedom and dignity

9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands,

Please pray for believers from a restricted
country, where they lost their Elder few days ago. They are in big shock as the government denied Christian burial service and burned the body instead.

Please pray for believers who live in extreme poverty, inspite of surrounded by rich Natural resources . Aldo pray for
Super rich leaders, who live in prosperity without caring for their poor community members.
Pray for change in attitude of leaders who oppose our team's ministry of equipping believers for the fulfillment of Great Commission .

My wife is in Zurich Switzerland right now and says that she can't eat at McDonald's without showing her papers.

BTJ Prayer Bear making it's way out of Iraq.
BTJ Prayer Bears are handmade by women in Iraq that were hit hardest when ISIS invaded. Every bear has the name of the woman that made as a reminder for children and their parents to pray for the persecuted church.

Few even notice, but the negative impact on Christian missionaries from this new proposal is H-U-G-E.

My Mission Statement
As a son of God, my Mission is to Destroy the works of the Devil (1 John 3:1 & 8, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6). I proclaim the Good News of through my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:21). There is no Salvation in any other (Acts 4:12, 1 John 2:22-24, Revelation 1:5-6). Whoever Believes and turns from their Sins and is Baptized (Mark 16:16, John 3:5) calling on Jesus's name for the Remission of their Sins shall be Saved (Acts 2:21 & 38, 22:16) from slavery to Sin (John 8:34-36). And He will put His Holy Spirit within them, and cause them to walk in His statutes, and they shall keep His judgments, and do them (Ezekiel 36:27, Romans 8:1-9).

Those who follow Jesus are filled with the 'Spirit ' and enjoy the 'peace that overflows our understanding '. whereas the non believers need home 'distilled spirit' to survive the misery.
Please pray for breakthroughs in the region where team is spending couple of days.

The best place to enjoy hospitality of believers is, where modernity has not reached. Fresh eggs, fresh fish from fresh vegetables from the restored Garden of Eden!

Seriously, this is fire! 🔥 🔥
Ashley joined us on our Iraq trip and sang this annointed song over Iraq in a thousand year old church that was not destroyed by ISIS.

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