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To all my German Friends, this amazing testimony of Esther and her ministry, imprisonment, and perseverance in North Korea is an encouragement to every believer. I worked with her for almost 10 years in North Korea and I have simply never met a warrior like her.

Angels are busy rejoicing over Nepal, Bhutan, India and rest of Asia!

Sometimes we feel guilty for not sharing details of breakthroughs with our prayer partners and even our own family .

One by one ministries that are active on social media are seeing investigators knocking on their doors!!!

Few sessions are over, preparations are going on for 16 locations.

Please continue to pray for all "experts from our team to remember Exodus:36: 1
"So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the LORD has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work just as the LORD has commanded.

Pray for these beautiful children all rescued from the evil and trauma of human trafficking. This is one of several houses CMM cares for in Asia with our loving staff. The numbers are increasing and we ask you to pray about helping with monthly support for all their needs: food, medical care, clothing, utilities, Christian education and as they grow, vocational training so they can live Christ-centered, fruitful, productive, self-sustaining lives. Pray and give at HTTP://

Join in prayer and revival declarations on the 400th Anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact, dedicating America to the Lord. .com
Visit & Register Online!
Join the Unity Challenge!
The Gathering Church
976 W Meadows Pkwy
Moravian Falls, NC 28654
November 11th-13th 2021
Three FULL Days – 9 AM-9 PM

What is Operation Strength to Strength Psalm 84:7 ?
It's a Discipleship initiative!
It's an equipping process!

A program to help our associates to " be diligent to present themselves approved to God as workers who do not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Tim. 2:15

200 Bibles meant for a closed country is still kept in a safe house.
Please pray for safe delivery !

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter none of our digital Bibles are connected to a cloud service. both our printed bibles and digital bibles are 'hard copy' in that way. but for printed bibles, we print anywhere from 200k - 1 million Bibles per year and pay for the distribution.

@sinbach Making an English version may not be too far from a need in the future... as well as a "bug-out" computer for Pastors and Teachers. Raspberry Pi / Linux?

So appreciate God's anointing with BTJ's innovations.

"Light Web" should be next... circumvent everything!

This week we are producing 1k pill Bibles that we pray will make it into the gulags.
We want to thank all of our supporters that help make this happen!

Who is your favorite preacher today?

Charles Spurgeon reached tens of thousands of people with the Gospel in a time when other pastors thought such things couldn't happen. Spurgeon is known as "The Prince of Preachers." My friend, and Spurgeon enthusiast, Nathan Sundt joined me to discuss this hero of our faith on today's podcast.

We have had more visitors to our BTJ website in last two weeks than all of 2018 put together.
Big BIG thanx to all of you

Any DD users in Idaho next week? Some amazing meetings lined up with updates on all God is doing through BTJ in China, Iran, North Korea & Afghanistan. Details 👇🏻

Our online orders are way way up this week!
So many books, childrens books, and prayer bears have been purchased.
We are NOT sure why, but are thankful to feel the love of so many friends and partners out there.

I don’t think we always realise this is happening, we’re not refusing to listen. It’s so easy to become so busy that we forget to be intentional about listening for His voice.

You have your Bible in English today because - on this day, October 6, in 1536, William Tyndale was burned at the stake for disobeying the authorities.
It was deemed a danger to society for individuals to read the Bible themselves. If an individual wanted to learn more about the Bible, they needed to join a congregation, have it read to them by an ordained priest, and in the Latin language.
William Tyndale was considered selfish and dangerous for putting the individual over the group.

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