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Such a powerful time in Wolverhampton at All Nations Church today!

@Toddkapper @sinbach It could be that sometimes, but I think other times it may simply be a learned habit. We imitate others who pray in that way. We practice what we hear and even take it into out own prayer closet? I'm glad @sinbach shared this for some laughs. I agree with Mary and Todd that it is awkward. But, on the flip side, I know people who pray this way and are very dedicated servants of the Lord. I'm sure they're praying in private and their lives are bearing fruit. And, their prayers are heard and being answered. I'm glad God hears and answers all kinds of prayers.

“For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
1 John 3:8b

Of course the great commission is our primary objective. However as you already know there is a spiritual battle going on and we are called to be participants. It’s amazing to me as to how many Christians are willing to go to battle over spiritual warfare quotes that are posted on social media. I wonder if they do the same in prayer and warfare for their lost loved ones or against the evil in this world? I’m guessing not likely and that saddens me.

After more than two years unable to be in the UK because of Covid, we are having such an amazing time at our UK meetings!

Wow, it has been a while since I have been on here. I pray that the Lord is ordering your steps and that you are growing in His grace day by day.
By the way, His grace means His strength.

Just amazing time of ministry at All Nations! Thanks Esther and Steve, Brother Yun, Brother Ren and Josh Howard!

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