Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.. and friends.. let us celebrate together in heart the joy first shared by the angels after Jesus the Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem, at the acceptable time! Let us always marvel that “God so loved the world (every person) that he gave his only begotten Son” ! We live in a world that is destroying itself with sin.. anger, violence, addictions, selfishness and hate as never before! Causing mass migrations of people desperate for hope! There is only one hope .. that is believing in Jesus the Christ (Nazarene) not religions, doing good, winning our political or religious dominance or national dominance! Thank you Lord God for sending your Son to be born in Bethlehem!!!
A special Christmas message from Brother Yun
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter so sad! 🙏
Some Indian friends who 'boasted about' fundamental rights and constitutional rights celebrated Christmas behind bars, last year.
The Buddhist Pastor from a neighboring country decorated a Christmas tree in November itself. Only to find himself in 'open jail' where his mobile phone was kept by the guards, who tracked all his contacts and congregation.
Be safe !
If you were gay or trans in Canada and you met Jesus, changed your lifestyle and wanted to tell your gay/trans friends about you would be fined and possibly put in prison. That is just one of the many crazy bills passed in Canada. Canada: Leading the world in persecution against followers of the way.
[James 3:17-18, NLT]
17 But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.
18 And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.
17 오직 위로부터 난 지혜는 첫째 성결하고 다음에 화평하고 관용하고 양순하며 긍휼과 선한 열매가 가득하고 편견과 거짓이 없나니
18 화평하게 하는 자들은 화평으로 심어 의의 열매를 거두느니라
Please pray for these precious children. Just received a call from Pakistan of tragic attack on 2 young innocent children. Their mother is a slave in a brick kiln factory. The Muslims had installed a water tap for muslims only. The innocent children were thirsty and drank a handful of water. The muslims tried to burn them alive. The mother makes only $1.00 per day and has no money to take them for medical care. Pray and as the Lord leads give at
One of my best friends with his daughter after her high school Christmas concert! His family was displaced by the Khmer Rouge and a local church in my home town figured out a way to get them out of a Thai refugee camp. We were good friends growing up, but he and his family were Buddhist and didn't have anything to do with the church. We had good discussions and I prayed that he would find his faith one day. That day finally came after college and he and his daughter are believers. Don't give up!
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @sinbach The fish bring to mind the multiplication. May there be a multiplication of these tools and resources.
@sinbach Thank you brother for sending us appropriate resources. Tools you enabled us to purchase put food in many plates. They made bridges in many new communities.
Many secret service agents and smugglers appreciated the kind of tools we passed onto our leaders and believers.
Thank you #BTJ for standing with us!
New York photographer can't decline gay weddings over religious objections, federal court rules (/r/conservative)
An Iranian Christian working with BTJ had 1,000 Bibles in his home to give to other believers. The Bibles were not hidden.
The police busted into his home looking for the Bibles. They looked at them, but couldn't see them!!!
How is that possible?
Meet the woman that changed China.
Brother yun live at Jesus image church florida
A team to highlight the prayer needs of 10/40 Window Nations.